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It's been a while...

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It's been a while... Empty It's been a while...

Post by Powderman 11/16/2011, 2:13 pm

Well over a year since I last picked up my competition guns. I got promoted--more responsibility, a ton of things that I have to have accomplished each day.

But each day, I find myself thinking about the firing line, in competition. I remember the range--the relaxed air during slow fire--when you have your routine and the cadence down, and the pistol seems to align itself to the bullseye. The timed and rapid fire stages--when everything went right, it was a joy to behold.

I remember some memorable timed and rapid fire stages when, in that 3 second pause between the last command and the targets facing, the pistol seemed like it was on rails and had a base set in concrete. The targets faced, and the dot settled on the center of the black--and the trigger simply rolled back; each time a flash visible through the scope told you that you had let off a good shot. And, the reward--downrange, scoring and pasting, seeing the bughole centered where 9 rounds wnet through that X (with one flyer in the 10--but who cares!!!).

And, of course, the friends that I have made on the firing line; the camaraderie; the sportsmanship I have seen in our sport; the family of Conventional Pistol shooters.

Yes, it's been a while...

...but I'll be back! 2012 beckons!!!

Posts : 54
Join date : 2011-06-10
Location : Washington State--the WET side!

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It's been a while... Empty Re: It's been a while...

Post by Larry Lang 11/16/2011, 2:25 pm

This is just a game. What you do is a life. I thank you
The range will be ready when you are.
Larry Lang
Larry Lang

Posts : 198
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 84
Location : Frederickson, WA

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