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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Chris Miceli
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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Post by JayhawkNavy02 11/27/2015, 1:20 pm

First topic message reminder :


Not sure what the real difference between the Matchdot and Matchdot II is, other than the different reticles. 

I noticed the Matchdot II says " On the Fly BDC", and I have no idea what that mean.s



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Matchdot II


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Last edited by JayhawkNavy02 on 11/27/2015, 7:01 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Re: Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Post by Fire Escape 2/4/2016, 12:48 pm

Schaumannk wrote:
Dr.Don wrote:Jayhawk,

That frame mount looks great.  But it also looks like it requires a base to be silver soldered to the frame.  Great idea, but that makes it a custom mount rather than a commercial mount.  I've considered doing that with a 9mm I'm experimenting with, but no decision so far.
It is actually screwed to a small plate on the frame.  See the tiny easily removable hex screws?  

And when you take it off, and put it back on, your gun goes right back to zero.

It certainly looks as though that 'small plate' has been silver soldered to the gun frame. I believe that was what the above reference was about. If that is the case then yes, you can remove the mount and sight but the mount plate remains and was not a 'home tinkerer' attachment.


Fire Escape

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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Re: Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Post by Dr.Don 2/4/2016, 1:20 pm

If that plate is only screwed to the dustcover I wouldn't trust it.  However, for a guy (like me) willing to silver solder it to the frame it looks good.  Who sells it?

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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Re: Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Post by Schaumannk 2/4/2016, 1:28 pm

Dr.Don wrote:If that plate is only screwed to the dustcover I wouldn't trust it.  However, for a guy (like me) willing to silver solder it to the frame it looks good.  Who sells it?
That is a David Sams custom scope mount.


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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Re: Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Post by Chris Miceli 2/4/2016, 1:29 pm

David Sams does that mount.  Stole some pics off Mr. Keefer's photobucket not sure if his is exactly the same. 
Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 DSC03834_zps41454756

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Chris Miceli

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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Question about ultradot filter ?

Post by sigman45 2/16/2016, 8:28 pm

I just got the ultra dot  match dot 2 . Do you guys recommend using the light filter? I'm going to try it but just wanted some opinons about using it for matches. My matches are all indoor matches. 

Thanks for reading my post.


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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Re: Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Post by Schaumannk 2/16/2016, 9:50 pm

sigman45 wrote:I just got the ultra dot  match dot 2 . Do you guys recommend using the light filter? I'm going to try it but just wanted some opinons about using it for matches. My matches are all indoor matches. 

Thanks for reading my post.
I wouldnt bother until and unless you shoot outdoors.


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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Re: Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Post by Dr.Don 2/16/2016, 9:53 pm

You won't want the filter indoors.  It is a polarizer intended to cut down the brightness on a really sunny day so you can see the dot well against the background.  I use one outside on bright days here in Texas, but never indoors.

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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Re: Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Post by JayhawkNavy02 2/17/2016, 6:08 am

Great question!  I didn't even know what it was in the box.  I'm in San Diego so every day is bright and sunny...LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughinglol!Sad

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Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 Empty Re: Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II

Post by Jerry Keefer 2/17/2016, 7:09 am

Christopher Miceli wrote:David Sams does that mount.  Stole some pics off Mr. Keefer's photobucket not sure if his is exactly the same. 
Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 DSC03834_zps41454756

Ultradot Matchdot vs Matchdot II - Page 2 DSC03840_zps541ca891

Basically the same....I have added a couple of extra screws and machined recoil shoudlers, but almost identical..Mine are for the Micro only, for personal use and not for sale..Dave allowed me to graciously in corporate much of his design..
Dave has several which accomodate the Ultra Dots and the aimpoints, and now the Micro.. Dave has you covered..
It is an excellent, bullet proof system..
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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