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Model 52 magazine bumpers

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Model 52 magazine bumpers Empty Model 52 magazine bumpers

Post by LenV Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:47 pm

I looked all over for after market mag bumpers for a 52 with no luck. I even tried putting the base off of one of my 952 magazines and could not make it work. I finally achieved success by adding a Kimber base pad to the bottom plate of the mag. Drill the bottom plate for the self tapping screws and for a bullet proof mount you should drill and tap the clip on the end of the spring and put a small 3/8" long screw into from the spring side so that it comes up into the base pad. That extra screw stops it from coming apart when putting pressure on it. If you have big hands or a mag that kinda sticks then a base pad might be the answer. Now I have something I can rest my pinky on.

Model 52 magazine bumpers Dscf0611
Model 52 magazine bumpers Dscf0612
Model 52 magazine bumpers Dscf0613

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Age : 74
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Model 52 magazine bumpers Empty Re: Model 52 magazine bumpers

Post by jglenn21 Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:15 am

I believe Pachmayr still makes magazine pads for the model 39... should be close.

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Model 52 magazine bumpers Empty Re: Model 52 magazine bumpers

Post by LenV Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:36 pm

They are close. They fit perfectly but they are only about 1/8" thick. I looked at them but was worried about how thick they were and the fact that they use double stick tape to stay on. They would work great for someone that just wants a little cushion or round out the sharp edges on the magazine. I should have mentioned them in the OP. Thanks for bringing them up. Midway has them in stock.



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Model 52 magazine bumpers Empty Re: Model 52 magazine bumpers

Post by jglenn21 Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:15 pm

now if Pachmayr would just bring back their magazines........

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Age : 76
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