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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Chris Miceli
Jerry Keefer
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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by KevinB 12/10/2015, 9:16 am

First topic message reminder :

I realize the "marine load" is listed as anywhere from 4.1 to 4.5 grains of VV N310 with a nosler 185gr JHP.  Regardless, If you shoot say 4.5 grs. at the long line, do people load a lighter short line charge with the same bullet for the short line for less recoil?

PLEASE, NO "I'm a real man who shot with issued Hardball" comments.


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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty Re: "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by dronning 2/27/2016, 10:09 am

Gunsnjeeps wrote:Length question.  This thread has 1.200 and 1.255 mentioned, Nosler says 1.275.  Why the big difference?

Sometimes different guns shoot better with different lengths.  BUT the thing to keep in mind is a load of 4.5gr @ 1.20 OAL is going to produce more pressure than the same 4.5gr @ 1.275 OAL and when you are getting near the upper limits for any given load the OAL reference becomes really important.

- Dave

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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty Re: "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by davekp 2/28/2016, 9:09 am

Different bullet shapes, types, and  profiles will require different overall lengths. What you want is the best bullet to rifling clearance for max accuracy in your barrel. I called my barrel maker for a recommendation. Adjust OAL to achieve that, and as long as reliability is OK, that your best OAL. For my barrel, OAL of about 1.120 with the Nosler JHP 185 gr (45 cal).


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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty Re: "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by LenV 2/28/2016, 10:31 am

I recently had a chance to measure some 185gr Atlanta Arms, ASYM and my Nosler loads. I randomly measured 10 bullets out of each box of 50 with these results. The average number is the average of all 10 in each test group.

Atlanta  1.199-1.208    ave 1.2003

ASYM    1.205-1.208    ave  1.2061

Nosler   1.2355-1.237   ave  1.236

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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty Re: "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by Chris Miceli 2/28/2016, 11:46 am

OldMaster66 wrote:I recently had a chance to measure some 185gr Atlanta Arms, ASYM and my Nosler loads. I randomly measured 10 bullets out of each box of 50 with these results. The average number is the average of all 10 in each test group.

Atlanta  1.199-1.208    ave 1.2003

ASYM    1.205-1.208    ave  1.2061

Nosler   1.2355-1.237   ave  1.236

How do the crimps look Len?

Chris Miceli

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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty Re: "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by LenV 2/28/2016, 1:32 pm

Christopher Miceli wrote:
OldMaster66 wrote:I recently had a chance to measure some 185gr Atlanta Arms, ASYM and my Nosler loads. I randomly measured 10 bullets out of each box of 50 with these results. The average number is the average of all 10 in each test group.

Atlanta  1.199-1.208    ave 1.2003

ASYM    1.205-1.208    ave  1.2061

Nosler   1.2355-1.237   ave  1.236

How do the crimps look Len?
Atlanta  .472  Contact was made by the crimp die on the case (see under scope) but case not crimped any past straight wall.

ASYM    .470  Visible crimp with eyeball Mk1 but a very small crimp line

Nosler   .469  Easy to see and easier to measure *

* Nosler bullets loaded by me in new Starline brass.

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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty Re: "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by lablover 3/10/2016, 10:24 pm

dronning wrote:I load the 185gr JHP for the long line and and 185gr HPSWC for the short line.  So far no lead worries.

- Dave
Stupid question for anyone

I thought you could not use lead for EIC or CMP matches?

I'm looking to give EIC a chance at perry or creed moor and was going to load all 185 JHP noslers

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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty Re: "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by Chris Miceli 3/10/2016, 10:28 pm

No lead. For cmp service pistol

Chris Miceli

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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty Re: "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by SmokinNJokin 7/25/2016, 10:40 pm

How light can you go with jacketed? I loaded up some 3.4 N310 185's for short line and they functioned beautifully. Are possible squibs the issue?


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"Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long? - Page 2 Empty Re: "Marine Load" different charges for short line vs. long?

Post by Wes Lorenz 7/30/2016, 12:51 pm

Christopher Miceli wrote:Here is one of those race gun guys showing why he runs lighter springs and lighter loads.  

Hi Chris,
This guy is using two hands. Using a light springs in precision pistol competition will break the one handed shooters wrist as the slide bottoms out on the frame and after the slide locks up - make them search for the target. A recoil spring that functions without noticeable bottoming is just right, as you will not feel your wrist breaking and the pistol aligns right back on the bull.
Give it a try and hope it helps,
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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