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How were Bob Marvel's Guns marked in the 80s?

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How were Bob Marvel's Guns marked in the 80s? Empty How were Bob Marvel's Guns marked in the 80s?

Post by Axehandle 12/12/2015, 7:47 am

Looking at a couple of paper punchers.  Unlike the more recent products these things have "Bob Marvel"  marked on the slides in block letters.   The guns are as new and look well put together.   They have the original skinny tang safety so I'm thinking that they are builds from the 80s.


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How were Bob Marvel's Guns marked in the 80s? Empty Re: How were Bob Marvel's Guns marked in the 80s?

Post by Jon Eulette 12/12/2015, 11:17 am

Bob would build what you wanted: rebuild, new from scratch, etc. I've seen slides marked with his name and the right side dust cover on frame. I've seen many of his pistols over the years and they are all different.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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How were Bob Marvel's Guns marked in the 80s? Empty Re: How were Bob Marvel's Guns marked in the 80s?

Post by Axehandle 12/12/2015, 3:44 pm

Thanks Jon...  Just about what I figured.  These guns are a mix of Colt and Caspian slides and Caspian frames.  Kart and Colt NM barrels.  Good looking guns.


Posts : 880
Join date : 2013-09-17
Location : Alabama

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How were Bob Marvel's Guns marked in the 80s? Empty Re: How were Bob Marvel's Guns marked in the 80s?

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