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The yipes help!!!!

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The yipes  help!!!! Empty The yipes help!!!!

Post by mt2020 12/18/2015, 9:48 am

I have developed the yipes. At least if I played golf that is what they would call it.  I was shooting pretty good, 22lr only with a Hammerli 208. then all of a suppened it seem that my arm and hand are moving randomly, much more that just the normal arch of movement.  it is very random and sometimes the movement is rather large. It does not feel like i am anticipating the shot, not healing it. They (hand arm) just seem to have a life of their own.

I know it nerves it just stated my scores are now by 20pts.  

I am increasing the amount of dry fire I am doing.

Has this happened to anyone else and do you all have any suggestions.




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The yipes  help!!!! Empty Re: The yipes help!!!!

Post by LenV 12/18/2015, 10:01 am

Did you start on any new meds? Change your coffee intake? Give up smoking? Start? There are a lot of things that all work together in the body that can change your ability to concentrate or hold your arm steady. I am sure others will chime in with other possibilities.


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The yipes  help!!!! Empty Re: The yipes help!!!!

Post by AllAces 12/18/2015, 10:18 am

I had a similar problem some years back and after seeing a sports medicine doctor he recommended physical therapy.  I chose instead to begin an upper body strengthening routine with resistance machines and free weights that eventually corrected the problem.

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The yipes  help!!!! Empty Re: The yipes help!!!!

Post by dronning 12/18/2015, 10:21 am

It did happen to me when I was over doing it, I cut back and slowly ramped up my training.  Also doing arm flexes/stretches helped.

Another thing to consider is diet, there are things we eat/drink that can have a large impact on fine motor control, like caffeine.

- Dave

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The yipes  help!!!! Empty Re: The yipes help!!!!

Post by mt2020 12/18/2015, 2:43 pm

Thanks all.
I think I am going to dial back live fire a bit. Increase dry fire and try to work out a little more. ( that one should be easy not working out at all now.)

no new meds no coffee so those were not it.   Things like this prove to me once again that this is a very very mental sport.


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The yipes  help!!!! Empty Re: The yipes help!!!!

Post by C.Perkins 12/18/2015, 6:04 pm

A high master once told me that this sport is 90% mental.
The other 10% is mental.

I soon learned to agree with that statement Smile


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The yipes  help!!!! Empty Re: The yipes help!!!!

Post by Rob Kovach 12/20/2015, 10:12 am

Shot process will help with nerves/yips.

I find that 2 shot drills (use the bullseye timer app on loop) will cement the process.

Write your process.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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The yipes  help!!!! Empty Re: The yipes help!!!!

Post by jwax 1/4/2016, 5:55 am

At an Eley seminar a few years ago, I asked Olympic Gold winner Jamie Grey what she did about those spasms, and she said to ignore them! The more you think about them, the more they will occur. Only think about your good shots, and the spasms will eventually go away.

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The yipes  help!!!! Empty Re: The yipes help!!!!

Post by rich.tullo 1/8/2016, 8:45 am

Air Pistol or Dry Fire repeat.

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The yipes  help!!!! Empty Re: The yipes help!!!!

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