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Okay for DR? To start?

james r chapman
Jerry Keefer
Chris Miceli
Cousin Jack
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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Okay for DR? To start?

Post by Cousin Jack 12/28/2015, 6:18 pm

I'm a oldie but a newbie to Bullseye.   I'm a smallbore, highpower, silhouette rifle shooter, but I have never shot a competitive pistol match outside.  I've got it covered with a Colt 1911 .45 and a Ruger 22/45 or a Colt Combat Commander with a nice trigger, and a Marvel conversion that I may buy tomorrow.    And then I learned about DR.   Most DR guns I've seen have six inch barrels, but I have this sweet Model 15-3 at 4 inches, and it is hellish accurate.....   Can I shoot this?   What kind of accuracy do I need out of a DR revolver?

Okay for DR?   To start? IMG_4356
Cousin Jack
Cousin Jack

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by Chris Miceli 12/28/2015, 6:38 pm

Shoot what yea got.  Most 14s I've seen do 3"ish at 50yards with 158 lrn.

Chris Miceli

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by rreid 12/28/2015, 6:54 pm

That will work. I got my first points with a borrowed model 15-4. There's a topic in the ammo section called "DR loads that don't suck" or something like that.

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by Cousin Jack 12/28/2015, 7:14 pm

Thanks, gentlemen.....   I'll load up some rounds and go out and see if I can get 3 inches at 50yards.....  there's a Ransome Rest I can borrow.....
Cousin Jack
Cousin Jack

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by Jerry Keefer 12/28/2015, 7:43 pm

The rifled portion of a standard 1911 barrel is approx. 4 - 5/32nds inches give or take a very small amount.
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 12/28/2015, 7:50 pm

Jerry Keefer wrote:The rifled portion of a standard 1911 barrel is approx. 4 - 5/32nds inches give or take a very small amount.  

I think that the forum members have come to expect higher level of precision from you.  lol!

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by Jerry Keefer 12/28/2015, 8:11 pm

Jerry Keefer wrote:The rifled portion of a standard 1911 barrel is approx. 4 - 5/32nds inches give or take a very small amount.  

I think that the forum members have come to expect higher level of precision from you.  lol!
Yes, Steve, you're right...I am ashamed of myself.. Sad
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by Cousin Jack 12/28/2015, 8:15 pm

Jerry Keefer wrote:The rifled portion of a standard 1911 barrel is approx. 4 - 5/32nds inches give or take a very small amount.  

True enough!  But why do all the pictures I see of DR revolvers show guns with 6 inch barrels?  Is there an advantage to 6 over 4?    ( Probably not for me, I can miss with six just as easily as with four.....)  lol!
Cousin Jack
Cousin Jack

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by james r chapman 12/28/2015, 8:27 pm

Sight radius.
james r chapman
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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by ChipEck 12/28/2015, 9:00 pm

james r chapman wrote:Sight radius.

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by john bickar 12/28/2015, 9:22 pm

I got DQed from my first-ever Distinguished Revolver match, so you can't do worse than 0/300.

(DR #100)
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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by GrumpyOldMan 12/28/2015, 10:01 pm

My Dad shot BE and then PPC for years primarily with a 4-inch Model 19. It was his second one, having worn out the first with a LOT of Magnum shooting over something like 3 years...

He eventually bought a 6-inch M-14.

Scores never really changed for him. His conclusion was that the longer sight radius only made it easier to see the wobble that gave him the occasional 9. 

For me, I suspect that I get a slight mental edge by the shorter sight radius concealing some of the wobble. Shooting a dot is scary by comparison, being able to see everything.

Dad even borrowed an old friend's 8-3/8-inch K-38 for one match later on. Still no improvement in score, but he did accomplish the goal of messing with the heads of a few of the more...impressionable...shooters on the line that day.

Now if you're shooting only slow fire from something like a rest like the IHMSA bunch does, I believe that the longer sight radius will help. Velocity in that game??? Theoretically important. Well, some yahoo told Dad that a .357 was "too light" a cartridge for those 200-meter rams, and his next shot tipped that iron critter right over...from a 6:00 low ricochet.  He'd been shooting too much DA over the PPC courses just before that match.


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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by Bigtrout 12/29/2015, 11:49 am

What is a DR?  My search engine couldn't find "DR Pistols".  Thanks.

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 12/29/2015, 12:01 pm

Bigtrout wrote:What is a DR?  My search engine couldn't find "DR Pistols".  Thanks.

distinguished revolver

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Okay for DR?   To start? Empty Re: Okay for DR? To start?

Post by Cousin Jack 12/29/2015, 12:33 pm

Bigtrout wrote:What is a DR?  My search engine couldn't find "DR Pistols".  Thanks.
Cousin Jack
Cousin Jack

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