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Post by jay370 Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:30 am

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Last edited by jay370 on Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : no longer applicable)


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Join date : 2011-12-10
Location : Missoula, MT

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Post by Richard Ashmore Wed Dec 30, 2015 2:57 pm

jay370 wrote:Hi All, 
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!

I've recently relocated to the northeast corner of CT, a handful of miles from RI and MA. I'm in the process of getting my appropriate CT permit and searching out a club. Blah blah yadda yadda long story short, is there a source to find bullseye competitions? I did find a club (Patchaug) in the CT Pistol League and I know there are some RI clubs close by that are in the RI League but man, I'm having trouble anything else for say upcoming 900s. I had a lot of fun in the late 90's with bullseye and still have my wadgun and H208s. And a Steyr AP and and a TOZ FP but those are questions for another day Wink  I know there was nepistol.com at one time but it doesn't seem to have been updated lately. 

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. 

Fran Lerz is the Pistol Chairman for the Connecticut Rifle and Revolver Association.  Contact him at CTBULLSEYE@gmail.com.  Dave LaFlamme runs matches in North Attleboro, MA,  and his email is dala2@verizon.net
Richard Ashmore
Richard Ashmore

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Join date : 2012-02-17

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Post by bdutton Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:13 pm

Here is a list of contacts from the last email I got from Rick Sten who has been keeping a mailing list and spreadsheet of all of the matches in the area.  

NRA - Conventional Pistol  -  Event  Contacts
Bill Dutton      bill@williamdutton.comPelham, NH USRADave Bennett usra1900@verizon.net
Joe Sugden   ctbullseye@gmail.comWallingford,CT BRPC - BraintreeChuck Graul    chuckgraul@gmail.com
Rick Sten,        r.sten@verizon.netMA Outdoor NFGA - Nashua Ron Marcotte,    rhmarcotte@comcast.net
Pete Hamilton  hamilton-pete@msn.comDunbarton NH SFGA - ScarboroughScott Simmonds        www.mainebullseye.com
Cliff White  cliffxring@gmail.comCastleton NY WSA  - WoburnBob Simard      bsimardjr@verizon.net
Richard Ashmore staghorn@cox.netAir Pist. Sectional RI State ChampSteve Blinkhorn kingblink@cox.net
Greg Derr,          topgungold@aol.comSectional Tewksbury Paul Gilberti   paul.gilberti@brattle.com

Dan Long     CaptDan33@aol.comSharon Beagle ClubRichard Sirois      rich.sirios@cox.net
Bert Hayford  daniel4214@yahoo.comAugusta, Me. DCPA NYSusan Paris    2700dcpa@hotmail.com
Dave LaFlemme   dala2@verizon.netAngletree VermontLarry Grace     larry.grace@us.army.mil
Saturday Event
Alex Kittenplan, 146 Alder St, Waltham, MA 02453Woburn   
Will Hart,           willhart@mit.eduMIT Sharon - Peter Jones,  prjassociates@worldnet.att.net
Gerry Sverdlin,         gisver@verizon.netBRPC - Braintree NashuaJohn Perkins,   jperkins@internationalshooting.com
Paul Sullivan,     paul10x@comcast.netWSA - Woburn BRPC - BraintreeAll Matches RSVP,  brpcmatches@aol.com
Cara Krauss might be able to hook you up with info on the VT state Championship: Cara Krauss <10xhardball@gmail.com>

I am no longer running matches at Pelham though.  The contact for matches at Pelham: [email=precisionpistol@pelhamfishandgame.org?subject=Precision%20Pistol%20Range%20Info%20Request]Precisionpistol@pelhamfishandgame.org[/email]

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Join date : 2012-08-22

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Post by jay370 Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:32 pm

Thank you, gentlemen! 



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Location : Missoula, MT

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