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Tweaking the M41 S&W

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Tweaking the M41 S&W Empty Tweaking the M41 S&W

Post by Axehandle 1/16/2016, 6:37 am

Picked up a backup M41.  Sent the gun to KC for a good going over.  To make a long story short my old primary M41 I've owned since '84, and really thought the trigger was good, is now the secondary.  It will go to KC in the near future for the same going over.


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Tweaking the M41 S&W Empty Re: Tweaking the M41 S&W

Post by rich.tullo 1/16/2016, 8:38 am

Yeah KC is the best , my 41 was not great as far as reliability he tuned it perfect. No oil on the bullets and goes all day. 

Trigger is perfect zero creep, my dad a very picky old master loved it said it was as good as his Victor.

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Tweaking the M41 S&W Empty Re: Tweaking the M41 S&W

Post by orpheoet 1/16/2016, 1:13 pm

KC is great. He tweaked my 41 at Perry, wouldn't take any money. I have one ordered from the performance center that will be going straight to KC(whenever I get it......)

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