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To brush or not

james r chapman
Jack H
Chris Miceli
Jon Eulette
Jerry Keefer
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To brush or not - Page 2 Empty To brush or not

Post by Dockokol Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:05 pm

First topic message reminder :

I promise... I checked and could not find a thread about this. 

I have a new Clark barrel fitting and working on my model 46.  Id like to keep it in good shape and was wondering if using a bronze brush is ok or not.  I know rifle shooters "discuss" to brush or not as much as pistol shooters "discuss" what lube is the best.  I would appreciate your thoughts.


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Location : North Florida

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To brush or not - Page 2 Empty Re: To brush or not

Post by Ed Hall Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:39 pm

Telewreck wrote:So after the brushing of the chamber, do you use a dry patch pushed through with a jag from the chamber end?
I cut the loop end off the handle of the nylon brush that came with my 208s and slide the plastic coated rod through from chamber to muzzle until the brush hits the chamber.  I then pull the nylon brush through the rest of the way.  Or, I use a piece of waxed lacing twine tied around a dry patch and pull that through (kind of like a snake), from chamber to muzzle.

Ed Hall

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