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Resetting the trigger

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Resetting the trigger Empty Resetting the trigger

Post by Joseph Bhonn 2/13/2016, 11:15 pm

I am relatively new to Bullseye, though very, very mature. I am currently shooting a Model 41 and will be getting a 1911 soon. I will be looking for one with a roll trigger. I have been advised to be careful in resetting the trigger to avoid damaging it, especially while dry firing in position as well as getting to know the feel of my trigger while sitting on the couch. I failed to ask what is the proper technique. I would appreciate your thoughts on how to reset the trigger on a 1911 during dry fire.

Joseph Bhonn

Posts : 1
Join date : 2016-02-13

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Resetting the trigger Empty Re: Resetting the trigger

Post by JayhawkNavy02 2/13/2016, 11:22 pm

I was told by my gunsmith to pull the trigger to the rear, pull the slide back to cock the hammer, slowly move the slide back until it stops to avoid damaging the breech face and then release the trigger. 

However, I think if you search the forum you will find there are mixed views as to whether this is really required or if it actually increases the longevity of the trigger job.  I am not the person to answer that question Wink  I do have "google" and found the same question asked...and answered previously.



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