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what is a good target pistol in 22

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what is a good target pistol in 22 Empty what is a good target pistol in 22

Post by jhphurt 2/16/2016, 5:23 pm

looking for a good target pistol dont want Ruger, Browning, looking at a volquartsen scorpion but I lived in ny cant have threads on a pistol of all the states to live in, A target 22 and I cant even get what I want anyone have any Ideas I can get one welded and pin from volquartsen but it almost a 100 dollars to weld and pin it,


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Join date : 2016-02-13

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what is a good target pistol in 22 Empty Re: what is a good target pistol in 22

Post by C.Perkins 2/16/2016, 6:08 pm

jhphurt wrote:looking for a good target pistol dont want Ruger, Browning, looking at a volquartsen scorpion but I lived in ny cant have threads on a pistol of all the states to live in, A target 22 and I cant even get what I want anyone have any Ideas I can get one welded and pin from volquartsen but it almost a 100 dollars to weld and pin it,
Welcome to the forum.

It appears that you are set on a Scorpion ?
I believe they can be ordered without a threaded muzzle(it was an option on their sight) ?

As an aside, when those first came out, I thought they were just modified Rugers with a very high price tag  Smile.

You can do a "search" function on this sight that may guide you in the right direction depending on what the pistol is going to be used for.

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what is a good target pistol in 22 Empty Re: what is a good target pistol in 22

Post by ChipEck 2/16/2016, 7:25 pm

May want to consider the new Smith & Wesson 22.  Nice trigger.

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Location : Wisconsin

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