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22 ammo ever coming back

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22 ammo ever coming back Empty 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by jhphurt 3/2/2016, 4:20 pm

here it is 2016 and still no over amount of 22 ammo, Why, does anyone know are they really making them like they say they are or what are the states closer to the ammo plants getting more or what, I see a ton of the high end 22 ammo the stuff thats 12 - 19 dollars per 50 rds they still find time to make them, But not the cci, win, rem


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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by LenV 3/2/2016, 4:43 pm

These guys are out right now but they get it in pretty regularly. I picked up a case just before Christmas when DavidR posted they had some. They have been giving me notifications when new batches come in. Just get on their list. If it is too much at once then that is what shootn buds are for. Smile


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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 3/2/2016, 4:53 pm

You had to buy two cases to get free shipping.
I really couldn't justify 10,000 rounds...but pulled the trigger anyway.
5000 were gone immediately, so do what the old guy says.

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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by C.Perkins 3/3/2016, 3:37 pm

I know this does not answer your question but keep it in mind cause this is the way things are now and who knows what the future holds.

2 elections ago I was caught asleep behind the wheel and struggled for a few years getting what I needed.

When things started to clear up before the last election I learned my lesson and stocked up on what I needed for .22 ammo, powder and components just in case it happened again.

Guess what, it happened again.

I still have over 8K rounds of .22
Granted, I do not buy the cheap stuff for competition, it is mostly Lapua Center X, Eley and CCI-SV(although CCI-SV is cheaper but pretty accurate for my needs).

Still have close to 20# of powder.

I am good for awhile.

You just have to be prepared for the worse.


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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by Gunsnjeeps 3/5/2016, 2:57 pm

Sad to see $230 .22 ammo selling for $425. I think the vendors are still driving prices and were stuck with it. I hope to ride out the stupidity but don't see prices returning to real market prices for a while.


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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by C.Perkins 3/5/2016, 3:49 pm

Do you really think .22 ammo cost will come down ?
I would like to think so, but do not.

I reload everything that I shoot except of course .22
That is where they have you, you have no choice in that matter.

My number crunching says all .22 ammo is and will be 20% more than what it was in 2012.

The case(5000 rds) of Center X cost me $850 when I purchased it on Dec. 21, 2012
Center X is around $1030 now. (still have about 3000 rds left).

In around 2012 I could get a brick(500 rds) of CCI-SV for about $35.
Today, a good deal is about $45.

Like I stated in my previous post.
If you want or need .22 ammo then get it.
You will be happy that you did and have it, than want it and cannot get it.(or wait for the price to come down).

Just get what you know you need for your plinking and or competition purposes for the next 4-5 years.
Then sit back and enjoy all those treads of shooters that are without.
Harsh statement; no; it is reality in this day and age.


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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by james r chapman 3/5/2016, 3:51 pm

Last time I checked, only wages haven't gone up...
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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by C.Perkins 3/5/2016, 3:55 pm

james r chapman wrote:Last time I checked, only wages haven't gone up...

Ain't that the truth Jim  Mad

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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by Gunsnjeeps 3/5/2016, 5:44 pm

The shop owners I shoot with say that their prices haven't gone up as much as the retail prices have.  They are saying that the prices are staying up because people will that much when it is available.

The question is who is sitting on it?  Manufacturers say they are making it but distributers say they can't get it.  I missed CCI Standard Velocity at Champions Choice last time they had it.  I bought two cases the time before last.  Both times was $250 a case.


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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by C.Perkins 3/5/2016, 6:23 pm

Gunsnjeeps wrote:The shop owners I shoot with say that their prices haven't gone up as much as the retail prices have.  They are saying that the prices are staying up becau either.se people will that much when it is available.

The question is who is sitting on it?  Manufacturers say they are making it but distributers say they can't get it.  I missed CCI Standard Velocity at Champions Choice last time they had it.  I bought two cases the time before last.  Both times was $250 a case.

There is no conspiracy of who is sitting on it.
There is no more $25 a brick of CCI-SV

Unless you know something we do not, then please share.

If I would leave this world 10 years from today, I would have ammo and components left over.
Pull out your wallet and get it done now before it is too late.
You have been warned Smile

Remember the Boy Scout Motto ?
"Always be prepared"

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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by Gunsnjeeps 3/5/2016, 8:41 pm

I'm well stocked for everything except .22 LR. I'm sure my stock of CCI STD Vel is adequate for a while though. I wasn't advancing a conspiracy theory just relaying that cases of .22 are selling for the same price as 100 round plastic boxes and no one can keep them in stock.


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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by BE Mike 3/6/2016, 6:04 am

No, .22 ammo will never be back. If we get a gun unfriendly president next election, centerfire ammo and reloading components could become more scarce than they are now. I haven't seen one box of .22 ammo in my local big box store in so many years, I quit counting.
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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by orpheoet 3/6/2016, 8:46 am

I got into this game late, about 2 years ago. There was NO .22 around. If I see it I buy it, so I'm around 8,000 rounds of CCI. My local chain store actually has a good selection of .22 at the moment and as I said in another chain pretty much every powder. So for me things are looking up. I'd say I have a good 2 years worth of supplies. I literally saw the last case of CCI SV leaving the shop at Camp Perry on Monday morning last year. I was at the SAFS lecture and missed it by a few minutes. This year I'll be there on Sunday!

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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by AllAces 3/6/2016, 8:48 am

I've had employees at more than one chain of large sporting goods stores tell me that they get plenty of .22 ammo each week, but certain store employees use their employee discount to purchase most of it which then shows up at the local gun shows.  This is why I stock up on ammo and powder each year at Perry and avoid any purchases at gun shows.

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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by LenV 3/6/2016, 9:32 am

http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=546042537  This is a possible answer for 1 person.

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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by james r chapman 3/6/2016, 11:19 am

thanks for the tip. I pulled the "buy now" on the other 5K...

i'm set...


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22 ammo ever coming back Empty Re: 22 ammo ever coming back

Post by james r chapman 3/6/2016, 11:29 am

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james r chapman

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