625-6 vs 625-2
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625-6 vs 625-2
So... I bought a 625-6 5" recently. Very nice gun. I'm shooting bullseye with it, along with my 17-4 and 14-4. I'm kinda eyeing a 25-2 in .45ACP to compliment the other two, and shoot BE with. Question is: how different are the grips between the 625 (Hogue), and 25? Weight? For those that have both, which do you prefer? Lastly, can you shoot .45 ACP in a .45 Colt cylinder using moon clips? (Talking a later model 25 in .45 Colt), Or can the Colt cyl. be modified to take clips? Or maybe accuracy would take a dump? Otoh, my Ruger .45 Blackhawk convertible shoots great with ACP rounds. Thanks for your input! Kurt
kjanracing- Posts : 410
Join date : 2015-02-17
Location : Arvada, Colorado
Re: 625-6 vs 625-2
The 25 in 45 Colt is really the 25-5. I believe the throats in the cylinder are longer for the 45 and I know there are headspace cuts in the 25-2 (45ACP). So I'm not sure if cutting a Colt cylinder would work. The 25 is much heavier than the K-17/14 which were pretty comparable. The grips are also bigger on the 25.
There are plenty of 25-2s around. They are great revolvers.
There are plenty of 25-2s around. They are great revolvers.
Wobbley- Admin
- Posts : 4717
Join date : 2015-02-13
Re: 625-6 vs 625-2
I have seen a Model 25, not sure what dash number, with 2 cylinders for 45 Colt and 45 auto for sale on gunbroker.
rreid- Posts : 562
Join date : 2012-02-06
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