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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

Post by mspingeld 3/13/2016, 6:31 pm

do polarized glasses work well with red dots? Are the advantageous?


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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty My regular glasses are polarized

Post by CrankyThunder 3/13/2016, 6:41 pm

and they fuzz up the dot a little bit.  there is a minor correction on the far side upper portion which might be what is fuzzing the dot up but it just as well could be the polarization. 

I stopped wearing polarized sun glasses when I could not read smart phones and gas station pumps so I do not have another pair to test with.  I would be cautious before purchasing a pair of polarized for use with a dot.  Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable will come along.


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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty Re: Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

Post by rreid 3/13/2016, 7:20 pm

I have a pair of prescription sunglasses that are polarized and I really like them for driving, especially on a sunny day in the winter when the sun is reflecting off the snow. I have worn them for shooting and they are completely acceptable. With a dot, you can not use the polarizing filter, though, because if you cant the gun or your head, the scope tube goes black.  I do not have a problem with the glasses making the dot fuzzy. However, I have astigmatism so the dot is fuzzy without glasses for me.

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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty Re: Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

Post by SMBeyer 3/13/2016, 8:46 pm

I use polarized sunglasses all summer long with no noticed ill effects.

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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty Re: Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 3/13/2016, 9:39 pm

My guess is that it would depend on if you have a polarizer filter mounted on your dot.
I THINK that using polarized glasses with a polarizer on the scope will make everything darker than desirable...but I may be wrong AGAIN.

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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty Re: Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

Post by Wobbley 3/13/2016, 9:42 pm

I think the last time you were just mistaken.

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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty Re: Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 3/13/2016, 9:45 pm

I'm easily confused & led astray

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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty Re: Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

Post by davekp 3/14/2016, 7:27 am

Wearing sunglasses in not a good idea, if you can get away without them. You want your pupil to contract for maximum sharpness. Dark lenses prevent this. Try wearing a hat if brightness is a problem.


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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty Re: Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

Post by BE Mike 3/14/2016, 8:14 am

STEVE SAMELAK wrote:My guess is that it would depend on if you have a polarizer filter mounted on your dot.
I THINK that using polarized glasses with a polarizer on the scope will make everything darker than desirable...but I may be wrong AGAIN.
You are right. If the polarizer filter is mounted on your red dot, the image can disappear, especially if the polarizer lens rotates. This can be a big problem during sustained fire (don't ask me how I know this). My suggestion is to either use the filter on your scope or use polarized shooting glasses, but not both.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Shooting glasses: Polarized or not? Empty Re: Shooting glasses: Polarized or not?

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