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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

dan allen
Chris Miceli
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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by Guest 4/3/2016, 11:33 am

I read here in this forum, I can buy reloaded ammo at Roze/ Zero Bullets. I'm interested in the Lead 200 gr. SWC at 750 fps.
My Question is, are there other suppliers I can purchase quality target ammo from online? 
Right now they are sold out, and I'm itching to shoot my new pistol.  Thanks in advance. 

Last edited by smithfan4152 on 4/3/2016, 1:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by Chris Miceli 4/3/2016, 12:55 pm

atlanta arms, ASYM  they are jacked target ammo 750-775fps

Chris Miceli

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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by AllAces 4/3/2016, 12:59 pm

Atlanta Arms has target grade ammo in .45 ACP

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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by Guest 4/3/2016, 1:07 pm

Thank you so much, but after looking there they have 230 grain jacketed., I was looking for 200GR. SWC Lead.
Looks Like I may have to get set up to load my own, only I really don't shoot enough to justify that.


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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by dan allen 4/3/2016, 3:10 pm

Try http://www.nsksales.com/

dan allen

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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by AllAces 4/3/2016, 4:24 pm

dan allen wrote:Try http://www.nsksales.com/
Completely forgot about Neil.  He does make good 200 gr .45 loads.  You'll see Neil working the line at Perry.

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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by kjanracing 4/4/2016, 8:50 am

I really like Wilson Combat.

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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by rreid 4/4/2016, 9:42 pm

If the Rose Distribution website says they're sold out, you might try calling them. Sometimes the site doesn't get updated or they can find some for you anyway.

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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by Guest 4/5/2016, 3:26 am

I will give them a call, I did not like reading about Wilson Combat's loads leaving a lot of smoke. Does not sound like very clean burning powder.


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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by kjanracing 4/5/2016, 6:10 am

Seems fine to me.  There are way more smokey loads being fired at my bullseye league.

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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by Fire Escape 4/5/2016, 7:59 am

smithfan4152 wrote:I will give them a call, I did not like reading about Wilson Combat's loads leaving a lot of smoke. Does not sound like very clean burning powder.

Rarely is 'smoke' from ammunition a result of the powder. It is a result of the lubrication used on lead bullets, pretty unusual to see any 'smoke' when jacketed or plated bullets are used.


Fire Escape

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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by bdas 4/7/2016, 12:40 pm

AllAces wrote:
dan allen wrote:Try http://www.nsksales.com/
Completely forgot about Neil.  He does make good 200 gr .45 loads.  You'll see Neil working the line at Perry.

If you buy from NSK, make sure you look at each round before you try to use it.  I've gone through about 200 of 500 that I got from NSK in February, and found one where the case was pretty badly mangled by his reloading press.  It wouldn't drop all the way into the chamber by gravity, but the slide may well have been able to jam it in there (I didn't try that, because... who wants a damaged live round semi-stuck in their chamber?).  A little scary, in my opinion.  When I contacted Neil about it, he was very nonchalant and dismissive about it.  He offered to replace that round if I mailed the damaged one to him, which was decidedly unhelpful and borderline illegal, because as far as I know, you can't just send ammo in the mail without the ORD-M stamp, and who would pay for that (or even regular postage) to mail one single round?

His ammo seems to shoot reasonably well, but the whole experience left me a bit disappointed and distrustful of NSK Sales, their quality control, and their customer service.


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Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online Empty Re: Reloaded 45 ACP Ammo buying online

Post by rich.tullo 4/7/2016, 2:15 pm

45ACP reload your own $9 to $12 a box of 50 its almost as cheap as 22lr. 

3.6 or 4.0 Bullseye 1.23 to 1.25 oal hg68 swc .469/.47 Diameter, Star line brass, 

Chamber no go gauge is all you need to know until you are an expert.

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