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what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame?

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what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame? Empty what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame?

Post by SW-52 4/4/2016, 12:33 pm

i'm not a gunsmith or expert in firearms,but i see a series of methods for a k frame revolver trigger job; for example,the jerry miculek kit,the wolff reduce power kit, work Polishing parts angle's,cutting springs and bending mainspring for smooth trigger and powerful hammer impact. what is your favorite method??????

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what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame? Empty Re: what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame?

Post by AllAces 4/4/2016, 1:03 pm

Wolff springs, that's it.

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what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame? Empty Re: what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame?

Post by james r chapman 4/4/2016, 1:13 pm

Sending it to Joe Leinenger.

Honestly, if you want a true revolver trigger job, send it to a trigger man, not a general Smith. Many contact surfaces need to be carefully worked on that are easily messed up by the layman. JMHO
james r chapman
james r chapman

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what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame? Empty Re: what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame?

Post by ric1911a1 4/4/2016, 4:18 pm

Send it to K.C. Crawford.

He did two of mine at Camp Perry last year, and they are superb.


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what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame? Empty Re: what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame?

Post by rreid 4/4/2016, 9:31 pm

I dropped mine off at Mallette's Custom Guns in Davenport IA.

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what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame? Empty Re: what is the best trigger job method for a K Frame?

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