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best idea? Future match, and classification question..

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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by s1120 Fri Apr 15, 2016 3:19 pm

I only semi know how the whole scoring and classification works...  I've only shot one match two years ago, and I shot the .22 only 2700. Having shot just that one match, I am still listed as unclassified. Well I'm planning on shooting at least one match this summer. I do not have a 45 at this time that is accurate enough to shoot at 50yards, and was planning on shooting the .22, and the CF legs of the match. Now would the 22 and CF scores be averaged into my past .22 only 2700 aggregate scores? Or are they a different category, and will I be back to a clean slate? I would like to earn some form of Classification so I might just shoot the 22 only 2700. Any advice?


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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by LenV Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:01 pm

You would be starting all over again. If you want to get a card you have to shoot some more .22 only.


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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by DavidR Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:29 pm

22 is only counted for 22 you must fire a minimum of 360 shots to be classified, So it would take 4 22 900 matches to obtain classification. not sure your 2 year ago match would even be in the records being you didn't shoot a true 2700 but if it is and if you really want a classification shoot 22 and shoot your 45 for cf and 45 no matter what your score you would be classified, if its not still in the records  you would need to shoot another at least 22 900 to have the 360 shot minimum.

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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by s1120 Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:34 am

OK, thanks. Hmmm...  So I still don't know. Im shooting a 38 revolver in CF, and really my cf targets are pretty close to my 22 targets. I was really wondering if the 22 leg of the 2700, would count toward the 22 only match... or if the scores were added up different. I was thinking of shooting the 45 anyways.... but I don't want to tank my scores anymore then I already am. Smile  Well I have a few weeks yet...  I know im probably better off just shooting the 22, but I also want the match practice shooting the 38. Wish there were more matches around...  then I would get more chances to shoot.


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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by jmdavis Sat Apr 16, 2016 7:23 pm

Shoot a 2700 and ask the match director for a score book.

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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by CFPlinker Sat Apr 16, 2016 8:42 pm

The NRA issues classifications for indoor and outdoor matches. The indoor classification includes scores fired in 22 matches, CF matches, and 45 matches. Likewise for outdoor matches. It takes 360 (or more) shots to establish a classification. You shot 270 when you did your 2700, therefore you didn't get classified. Since that was your first match you shot as master/unclassified. Look up your scores from that match and take them to the next match. Get a Temporary Score Book (Score Record Book) from the Match Director or Referee and fill it out. That will be your temporary classification and you can use it until the NRA issues you a classification. Now, at least, you will probably be shooting with other Marksmen, Sharpshooters, or Experts of about the same ability as you have.

Look at the program for the upcoming 2700 match to see if you can shoot just the 22 and CF portions or if they will have a 22 only 2700 also. Shoot whatever you can. After that match enter those scores in the Temporary Score Book and recalculate your average. That becomes your temporary classification for the next match.  You can use that temporary classification for both indoor and outdoor matches. (See rule 19.6)  Continue doing this until you get the classification card. Let's say that you get an outdoor classification. If you want to enter an indoor match you can use your outdoor classification until you get an indoor classification. This is called an assigned classification. When you have shot at least 360 shots indoors you will get an indoor classification which may be different than your outdoor classification.

The scores that were used to classify you will not be used again. The scores from matches or leagues will be sent to the NRA. They will look at the average of your most recent 360 or more shots and reclassify you upward when that average puts you in the higher classification.


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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by s1120 Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:37 am

Thanks CFP! 

The sad part is that my first match, not only did I have first match jitters, but was also coming off of being vary sick for about 3 weeks before... I left without remembering to write down my scores!  Also I never could find that they posted the scores after it also, so I don't have my first match scores. not a huge thing for me. At this stage im looking to build my skills, not really wining my classification


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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by Colt711 Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:21 pm

I listened to old masters when starting in pistol and followed their example, shot all matches possible and for every point possible.
In your case where will you get the most comp? .22 only, or all 3 guns. Throw out .22-.38 only unless the .45 is unsafe.
Two 2700's fired w/ a .22 should classify as a pair of 2700's in the std cals, does.
It seems in your case it will take 2 matches either so way, so just go out there and shoot and enjoy it. Don't be afraid to look around for small clubs with just several members  shooting together. Join 'em. Sometimes another new shooter will join and interst and no's grow to the point matches can be held. The right guys can grow a good club team if you're lucky. When our club was starting we got a lot of ideas and instruction from Canton-McKinley R & P and the Adams Cons. Club.

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Ron Habegger


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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by DavidR Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:54 am

s1120 wrote:I was thinking of shooting the 45 anyways.... but I don't want to tank my scores anymore then I already am. Smile
If you get classified with only a 22 or a 22 and a CF cause your afraid the 45 score will lower it who are you helping? Its really just a false classification. Shoot a 2700 all three parts and get a real classification then work to move up that's how its done.

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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by s1120 Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:45 am

DavidR wrote:
s1120 wrote:I was thinking of shooting the 45 anyways.... but I don't want to tank my scores anymore then I already am. Smile
If you get classified with only a 22 or a 22 and a CF cause your afraid the 45 score will lower it who are you helping? Its really just a false classification. Shoot a 2700 all three parts and get a real classification then work to move up that's how its done.

Ya, I think you might be right...  I need to spend some time shooting the old 45 from a rest at 50yards, and see whats the gun, and whats me...


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best idea?  Future match, and classification question.. Empty Re: best idea? Future match, and classification question..

Post by s1120 Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:07 pm

Well I've been working with all three and I think I might just do the three gun. The 45 (and me...) are not the best... But I've gotten to the point that I'm getting most rounds in the rings with it at 25. ... 50 I don't know yet:). Not going to win any matches that's for sure... But I'm only doing it to improve myself, and have fun.


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