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Aquilla Superextra

Rob Kovach
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Aquilla Superextra Empty Aquilla Superextra

Post by rich.tullo 4/27/2016, 2:51 pm

Available by the case at Target Sports USA at a good price. 


$400 shipping included.

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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by Dr.Don 4/27/2016, 5:05 pm

I'm seeing this same ammo for $3.99/50 at our local Academy sports stores. Limit is one brick. It is performing well for me: no malfunctions so far in my Marvel and groups better than CCI SV in my gun.

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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by rich.tullo 4/27/2016, 8:36 pm

I bought a CMP case years ago , and if you sort them by rimm thickness its as good as any expensive ammo.

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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by Rob Kovach 4/27/2016, 11:25 pm

I love that stuff
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by Colt711 4/28/2016, 12:44 am

Is this ammo in the old blue/yellow box marked as SE  and in smaller print "subsonic".   A couple of us got limited amts @ a Sports Authority but paid $6.06/ 50. This a few wks ago. We haven't shot it yet.

Ron Habegger


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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by rich.tullo 4/28/2016, 8:54 am

Colt711 wrote:Is this ammo in the old blue/yellow box marked as SE  and in smaller print "subsonic".   A couple of us got limited amts @ a Sports Authority but paid $6.06/ 50. This a few wks ago. We haven't shot it yet.

Ron Habegger
The load I got from the CMP was 90% but once sorted it was good as any ELEY match ammo and one Master I know tested a lot and said it was the most accurate out of his 208s.

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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by Dr.Don 4/28/2016, 8:57 am

Blue and yellow box but marked standard velocity, not sub-sonic.  Interestingly, Academy also has what appears to be the same ammo (Super Extra) in a different blue and yellow box with bi-lingual text.  It is $1 more...go figure.  They also have Aguila pistol match for $6/box.

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Location : Cedar Park, TX

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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by AllAces 4/28/2016, 10:54 am

I've had trouble getting Aquilla Superextra to cycle in my M41. Probably at least one round in 5 fails to extract.  I have absolutely no problem with Eley Target or CCI Std Vel.  I tried some of the Superextra in my 10/22 and even it had a few rounds that failed to extract.

Last edited by AllAces on 4/28/2016, 11:09 am; edited 1 time in total

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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by BE Mike 4/28/2016, 10:56 am

AllAces wrote:I've had trouble getting Aquilla Superextra to cycle in my M52. Probably at least one round in 5 fails to extract.  I have absolutely no problem with Eley Target or CCI Std Vel.  I tried some of the Superextra in my 10/22 and even it had a few rounds that failed to extract.
I'm thinking you meant to say M41. I have senior moments, so I understand completely. Laughing
BE Mike
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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by AllAces 4/28/2016, 11:13 am

BE Mike wrote:
AllAces wrote:I've had trouble getting Aquilla Superextra to cycle in my M52. Probably at least one round in 5 fails to extract.  I have absolutely no problem with Eley Target or CCI Std Vel.  I tried some of the Superextra in my 10/22 and even it had a few rounds that failed to extract.
I'm thinking you meant to say M41. I have senior moments, so I understand completely. Laughing
I just learned that this year at Perry I'll be shooting as a Grand Senior.

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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by Jack H 4/28/2016, 11:29 am

My experience with different batches of Aguila SV is it varies from very good to weak cycling.  And weak cycling batches vary within from stovepipe and dribble out to lob out.  I prefer lob out and pop out, but not zing out.
Jack H
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Aquilla Superextra Empty Re: Aquilla Superextra

Post by rich.tullo 4/28/2016, 12:10 pm

Jack H wrote:My experience with different batches of Aguila SV is it varies from very good to weak cycling.  And weak cycling batches vary within from stovepipe and dribble out to lob out.  I prefer lob out and pop out, but not zing out.

Yeah does not work in M41's or M52's 

Sorting will resolve 99% of the issues. I only use rimms .0395 to 0.40 thick for matches. Under 0.038 will lead to a FTE. 

That said the last batch was not great and this batch could be better as I know the CMP stopped getting Aquilla owing to quality concerns and factory capacity. 

If it is hitting the market now my guess is those issues are being  hammered out. 

If it is hitting the market now if you are on the CMP wait list would call and check as they have billions of rounds on order.

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