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Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets

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Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets Empty Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets

Post by messenger 5/8/2016, 3:32 pm

I have been combing the web with very little success. I have found cast bullets that are fairly accurate but swagged bullets at .314 are non existent. I think the only place you will find H&R HBWC will be at the Smithsonian. I have ordered some Speer HBWC that say right on the box that they are .314 in diameter but have yet to find one that reaches .312. What's the deal Speer? I have bought a box of 1000 new Lapua brass from another shooter off of this forum (Lapua is very proud of their brass). I have also had no problem buying Starline brass. Unbelievable as it might sound I have had far better test results with used Fiocci brass. Where are they hiding this stuff? I have tried every web site that comes up on Google and all Fiocchi 100gr wad cutter ammo is out of stock. I Google Fiocchi 32 brass and everything comes up but Fiocchi brass. It looks like pigs are going to be breaking the sound barrier over my house before it appears.

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Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets Empty Re: Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets

Post by Ghillieman 5/9/2016, 1:44 am

I bought a mold and cast my own 32 wadcutters.

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Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets Empty Re: Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets

Post by messenger 5/9/2016, 11:09 am

What mold are you using?

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Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets Empty Re: Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets

Post by 6mmppc 5/9/2016, 2:55 pm

Not sure where you are looking but Dardas and Crown seem to have .314 cast bullets and for deep pockets there's always graf & sons for Lapua bullets. I like Mag-tech .32 brass which is hard to get.


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Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets Empty Re: Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets

Post by Ghillieman 5/11/2016, 9:57 am

The mold is a Magma Engineering button nose flat base wadcutter.

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Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets Empty Re: Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets

Post by messenger 5/11/2016, 4:32 pm

Thank you all for the information.


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Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets Empty Re: Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets

Post by NuJudge 5/11/2016, 7:32 pm

Starline Brass:  

Lapua brass:  

Remington brass:  

I've looked everywhere for .314" HBWC bullets, and not found them.  I also purchased a .315" mold, but from Accurate.  I also bought some Magnus bullets, which came well recommended.

If you'll settle for .313" bullets, there are these:  


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Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets Empty Re: Where's all the 32 Brass & Bullets

Post by messenger 5/12/2016, 7:52 pm

I have bought new Starline and new Lapua brass. I am also using Fiocchi brass from a couple of boxes of commercial ammo I found at a gun show. I have been working up loads for the last couple of weeks. I have had my best results with the Fiocchi brass and the worst with Lapua. What I don't understand is once I have shot the Lapua & Starline and then resized them they are more accurate. The best bullet I have found so fare has been the Magnus. I just received some Lapua HBWC 98gr .314 diameter. For what they cost they should be gold plated. I have not tried them yet. I have some on order from Penn but have not received them yet. I have tried Dardus with mixed results. Speer has been terrible. So far the Fiocchi brass, Magnus bullet with either 1.4gr N310 or 1.6gr WST holds the 10 ring at 50yds. This has all been shot out of a Benelli.

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