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DR sights legality

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DR sights legality Empty DR sights legality

Post by Sc0 Fri May 27, 2016 3:05 pm

No changes external or internal
Sights from manufacturer...

My 586 has a low mount rear adjustable sight blade and the front sight is the red ramp. Would it be legal to use a S&W made taller rear sight blade and a taller patridge front sight? (I think this would be legal... )

Machining the barrel for a dovetail front sight is also a no-no as that is an external modification? (Even if used with a S&W oem factory front sight? Even if S&W factory machines it out and installs the sight?)

Reason is: the front pinned sight slot is milled a little offset to the rib center and my rear sight adjustment is nowhere near the middle. A dovetailed front sight base would allow me to correct this issue.


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DR sights legality Empty Re: DR sights legality

Post by Chris Miceli Fri May 27, 2016 5:16 pm

I wouldn't see a reason why you couldn't do it, if it was a factory option or repair that s&w does

Chris Miceli

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Location : Northern Virginia

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