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K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets

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K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets Empty K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets

Post by lanjo 6/8/2016, 10:02 pm

Hi All,

I have a stock K38 (1970's) 38 special which I would like to dedicate to shoot lead WC bullets fro bullseye. I put 150 rounds of Zero 148 G lead WC ammo through it and it was leaded pretty badly. There was lead on the top strap and all around the forcing cone. The question is this...

If I were to get it worked on what modifications would make it shoot lead WC bullets the best (with no leading). What kind of forcing cone should I get? Any special modifications to the chambers? What about the gap? Anything that would help the gun to shoot lead WC bullets I am interested in hearing.




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Location : Richmond, VA

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K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets Empty Re: K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets

Post by dronning 6/8/2016, 10:13 pm

No reason to send it off yet the leading you experience with the SWC may have been because of the load and nothing to do with the gun. If set up properly it should shoot WC without leading.

Few questions about the load that was causing leading:
What size SWC (.356, .357, .358)?, swagged or cast?  Bullet hardness, lube?  Case crimp?

- Dave

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K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets Empty Re: K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets

Post by lanjo 6/8/2016, 10:59 pm

Hi Dave,

I am shooting the Roze distribution loads. They are a 148 grain lead WCHB bullet at 0.357 diameter. That's all I know.  Someone at the range told me to try the Remington Target Match lead WC loads.  Their bullets are 0.360 diameter. They said that older Smith revolvers have a wider chamber opening which can cause leading with 0.357 diameter bullets.  Do you think this is worth a try?  I would like the use the Roze distribution loads however because they are reasonably priced (far cheaper than the Remington WC ammo) if you are part of their exchange program. Reloading is not an option for me because we live in a condo. The Mrs would object if I set-up a reloading station on the dining room table.




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Join date : 2015-02-22
Location : Richmond, VA

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K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets Empty K38

Post by Richard Ashmore 6/9/2016, 6:25 am

lanjo wrote:Hi All,

I have a stock K38 (1970's) 38 special which I would like to dedicate to shoot lead WC bullets fro bullseye. I put 150 rounds of Zero 148 G lead WC ammo through it and it was leaded pretty badly. There was lead on the top strap and all around the forcing cone. The question is this...

If I were to get it worked on what modifications would make it shoot lead WC bullets the best (with no leading). What kind of forcing cone should I get? Any special modifications to the chambers? What about the gap? Anything that would help the gun to shoot lead WC bullets I am interested in hearing.



  A good revolver smith should check it for yoke to frame fit, endshake/endplay, cylinder alignment, cylinder to barrel gap, and probably Taylor Throat the barrel.  It's not so much modification as blueprinting the revolver and getting the components properly lined up and clearances in tolerance.

  I use Hornady bullets, and the ones I checked are 0.358 inches.

Last edited by Richard Ashmore on 6/9/2016, 7:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarity)
Richard Ashmore
Richard Ashmore

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K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets Empty K38 leading

Post by czman 6/9/2016, 6:28 am

I shot with a K-38 and it shot fantastic. Use a .358 bullet, .357 is too small and will lead.


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K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets Empty Re: K38 Modifications to Shoot Lead WC Bullets

Post by desben 6/9/2016, 7:43 am

lanjo wrote:Reloading is not an option for me because we live in a condo. The Mrs would object if I set-up a reloading station on the dining room table.

I too live in a condo. With 2 young kids. I used to think reloading was not possible... Until I decided that it was. I mounted my press to a piece of 2x8, which I C-clamp to a portable workstation (Black n Decker Workmate). When I'm done, the press goes into a small box and the Workmate folds down flat and goes in the closet/under a bed. Setting up or tearing down only takes 10 minutes. No big deal. If you really want to reload, you can.

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