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changing guns/barrels for NMC

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changing guns/barrels for NMC Empty changing guns/barrels for NMC

Post by orpheoet 6/13/2016, 12:39 pm

Is is permitted to switch to iron sights for the NMC either by changing pistol or barrel(M41)?

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changing guns/barrels for NMC Empty Re: changing guns/barrels for NMC

Post by rich.tullo 6/13/2016, 12:56 pm

Yes you can shoot one gun for SF and a different gun for the NMC. I think you are allowed up to 4 changes in a 2700 match. 

I know a guy that shoots a 208 only for SF because it is finicky but crazy accurate. 

However, you can not shoot one string of SF and use a different gun for the 2nd string unless you have a mechanical problem.

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