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Smith and Wesson 1911

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Smith and Wesson 1911 Empty Smith and Wesson 1911

Post by inthebeech 6/14/2016, 6:47 am

Anyone ever put a significant number of rounds through one of these and can share durability information?  I have a local opportunity to grab a blued version and am thinking of having my pistolsmith do an accuracy job.  I am aware of the grip-actuated safety and external extractor.  Proprietary rear sight cut is not an issue either; I'd use optics.
Thanks guys.

Posts : 675
Join date : 2012-03-17
Age : 59
Location : Harleysville, Pennsylvania

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Smith and Wesson 1911 Empty Re: Smith and Wesson 1911

Post by LenV 6/14/2016, 10:14 am

I have one that I have put thousands of rounds thru. Zero problems. Mine is very accurate. I have never used it for bullseye but I carry it and also used it for IDPA. I can vouch for their dependability. Mine is Scandium.


Smith and Wesson 1911 Dscf0810

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Age : 74
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Smith and Wesson 1911 Empty Re: Smith and Wesson 1911

Post by Axehandle 6/14/2016, 12:26 pm

I have never been a S&W semi auto fan....  When I saw one in Charlie Alexander's hands at a match I made it a point to ask him about it.  Of course it goes without asking if it wasn't accurate and reliable Charlie wouldn't have been shooting it.   FWIW he said good things about the S&W 1911.  He did say that the S&W gunsmiths did NOT know how to do a proper bullseye trigger but he had that easily corrected.


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Location : Alabama

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