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Randall Fung Match Grips

james r chapman
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Randall Fung Match Grips Empty Randall Fung Match Grips

Post by Fung_Match_Grips 6/20/2016, 2:22 pm

Hi all, we've been on the Bullseye L forum since the really old days, when it was an email list.
After it got changed, we subscribed to the google email forums version of it but posted less and just lurked.

As many of you know, we have been making target grips for the bullseye community since 1989.  Before that I was a competitive shooter, as was my dad and my uncle (not blood uncle but close family friend uncle) Bob Chow.  Bob and Bobbie were my inspiration to follow my dreams in the shooting community.

I just found this internet forum, and kinda not being as internet savy, I have to learn the new ways again.  Not sure how this forum is different than the google version of Bullseye L.  

As some know, we had a devastating fire in our area last year that burned 70,000 acres and destroyed 2000 homes. Many were concerned about our well being and whether our business survived the fire.  Happy to say, we made it out OK.  The fire burned to within ten feet of our shop, and we had to close for a time last year, but we are back up and running and look forward to hearing from old friends again.

Not shooting much bullseye these days, as we live way out in the country, but been busy making grips again.
Anyways, good to be back!


Posts : 9
Join date : 2016-06-20

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Randall Fung Match Grips Empty Re: Randall Fung Match Grips

Post by james r chapman 6/20/2016, 3:04 pm

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Randall Fung Match Grips Empty Re: Randall Fung Match Grips

Post by DavidR 6/20/2016, 3:17 pm

Welcome Randall, you just made me a set of grips a few months ago, welcome to the forum many of the guys on the bullseye L email list are here as well so many will know you.

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Randall Fung Match Grips Empty Re: Randall Fung Match Grips

Post by Jack H 6/20/2016, 4:44 pm

Thanks again for the excellent ergo grips for K frame, N frame >>>, and Mk II.
Jack H
Jack H

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Randall Fung Match Grips Empty Re: Randall Fung Match Grips

Post by Fung_Match_Grips 6/20/2016, 4:54 pm

Thanks everyone. 
Jack, I thought those grips looked familiar!LOL


Posts : 9
Join date : 2016-06-20

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Randall Fung Match Grips Empty Re: Randall Fung Match Grips

Post by JayhawkNavy02 6/20/2016, 6:53 pm

Wow, what a great post!  When I get my distinguished badge I'll be hunting around for several X-Large L-Hand grips for my 1911s!

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Randall Fung Match Grips Empty Re: Randall Fung Match Grips

Post by john bickar 6/21/2016, 8:12 am

Was wondering what happened to you, Randall; haven't seen you around any of the CA matches in years. Welcome back.
john bickar
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