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Perry question ?

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Perry question ? Empty Perry question ?

Post by C.Perkins Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:29 pm

Plan is to shoot P100 and NTI on Sunday.
Is there a range for sight in/practice on Saturday to get adjusted/acclimated for the Sunday match ?
Asking because I will not get there until Friday late at the earliest.


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Location : Surrounded by pines in Wi.

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Perry question ? Empty Re: Perry question ?

Post by Jon Eulette Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:34 pm

They have a range you can pay to use. If a gunsmith works on one of your pistols they will give you a slip to get you on a test range for limited shooting.
Good luck Clarence:)
I'll be there only sat & sun too!
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Perry question ? Empty Re: Perry question ?

Post by C.Perkins Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:08 pm

Thanks Jon;

My plan is in motion and if all works as planned it will be a great weekend of shooting.

See you there;


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Age : 61
Location : Surrounded by pines in Wi.

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Perry question ? Empty Re: Perry question ?

Post by SteveT Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:05 am

You can sign up to shoot the NRA 45 matches on Saturday as a warmup. I see you are a master, so you would (probably) be on the second relay, starting between 9 and 10am, immediately after the first relay finishes. However, if you show up to one of the ranges when Relay 1 is setting up and ask the Chief Range Officer (look for a blue vest near the control tower) if you can join the line they will almost always allow it. This will allow you to shoot at approx. the same time as you will shoot on Sunday.

Based on your question I take it you've never been to Camp Perry. The range faces North and is uncovered. During P100 the sun is low on the right side, rising higher as the match progresses. I find I need about 4-8 clicks to correct for the side light, but there is little consensus among shooters. Windage adjustment for light varys between 0 and many clicks.

The Practice range cost $5 in the past. I assume it will be the same this year. Bring a few $5 bills, they might not be able to make change. For that you get a match course including the full 10 minutes slow fire. IIRC they shoot an extra TF and RF string, 15 shots total for each. You can change guns and shoot more or fewer that the prescribed number of shots. If you want to go back to the long line you have to pay again. They don't do alibis.

Note that if there are range problems the practice range is the backup and would be unavailable for practice. Twice in the last few years this has happened, once due to excessive mud and another year due to target problems.

The function range (with a gunsmith "function range chit") is only 25 yards and you are expected to just shoot the gun a few times to make sure it is working safely. If you spend much time aiming or sighting in the gun they will tell you to go to the practice range.

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Perry question ? Empty Re: Perry question ?

Post by C.Perkins Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:08 pm

Thanks Steve for the detailed explanation.


Posts : 742
Join date : 2011-06-13
Age : 61
Location : Surrounded by pines in Wi.

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