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Old Eyes and Iron Sights

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Old Eyes and Iron Sights Empty Old Eyes and Iron Sights

Post by Axehandle 6/25/2016, 9:07 pm

On  a whim took an iron sighted 22 to the range and shot a bit last week.  For a little background I did shoot 2600 with iron sights and won my distinguished badge while holding an expert classification in early 1984.  Got a master card in late '84 and went on scopes.   To make  a long story short I enjoyed shooting irons last week so much!  Shot decent targets even indoor where my old eyes really need more light to see the sights well.  I'm pulling my irons out, getting outside, and playing with them a bit more!  If I can hit the repair center at 50 yards I'll be shooting an iron sight 2700 soon!  I still remember how much I enjoyed shooting a heavy slide wadcutter gun.  I bought the old gun below in '79.  It was originally built by the old Air Force Gunsmith Forest Davis while he was still in San Antonio.   Through the years the original Joe Chambers lowered the ejection port and mounted a scope on the slide.  Last modification was a tune up and mounting the Bomar rib by Dan Norwood...
Old Eyes and Iron Sights 001-7

Last edited by Axehandle on 6/26/2016, 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Old Eyes and Iron Sights Empty Re: Old Eyes and Iron Sights

Post by Axehandle 6/26/2016, 5:12 pm

Now I'm remembering how all the iron sighted guns fit so well in that Pachmyer box.  Beavertail grip safety?  Not this one...  Remembered that Bomar sight I had installed on a 7 inch M41 barrel.  With these iron sighted beasts sight radius matters!  Dang! Being old might not be that bad after all!  pirat


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Old Eyes and Iron Sights Empty Re: Old Eyes and Iron Sights

Post by rich.tullo 6/30/2016, 6:22 pm

Iron sight give me a headache past a 900, I think I can shoot them better than a dot because I try to snatch too much. 

My backup gun is a Madore or so said the guy who sold it to me, it was inexpensive and had a nice trigger so I did not question the gun which was bought for parts. Do you know when Davis stopped making pistols? Mine has a Caspian frame and Slide and the serial number is pretty low. 

I will check the gun for the FD rollmark because the stippling job looks a lot like yours and mine is not stamped Madore and does not have a barrel that looks like Madore worked on it. 


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Old Eyes and Iron Sights Empty Re: Old Eyes and Iron Sights

Post by jmdavis 6/30/2016, 6:52 pm

I had the air pistol out and was pleasantly surprised by it too. I hadn't shot it since April, but it felt pretty good.

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Old Eyes and Iron Sights Empty Re: Old Eyes and Iron Sights

Post by Colt711 7/23/2016, 5:06 am

A few mo.'s ago I got a Giles .38  out of where it lived in the safe and started shooting it. Just felt good! Light recoil & light weight were a good Rx for my worn out shoulder.

Ron Habegger


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