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40/10mm Bore Paper Puncher?

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40/10mm Bore  Paper Puncher? Empty 40/10mm Bore Paper Puncher?

Post by Axehandle 6/26/2016, 4:36 pm

You guys remember all the hocus pocus in the 80s about the 10mm/40 bore in the form of the "Centimeter" cartridge by Paul Liebenberg?    We all know that if it had been what it was claimed to be it would now be commonly seen on the range.  Has anyone had any measurable success with this bore diameter in a bullseye gun?


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40/10mm Bore  Paper Puncher? Empty Re: 40/10mm Bore Paper Puncher?

Post by LenV 6/26/2016, 10:45 pm


   You may have to give me your definition of measurable success. I have had a lot of fun with this caliber. I have won a couple of TF and RF stages with it. I converted this 40cal Kimber Gold Match ll into a 38 super and now I want another 40 cal again. There are quite a few bullets out there that work very well in the pistol. Unfortunately I don't shoot as well as I did as a young pup so I am not really shooting it to the pistols full potential. I have "fun" with it. That is how I measure success. The picture below was the Kimber with the 40 cal barrel and 180gr TC bullets. Since then I found that the 135gr Noslers were the best way to go for the long line.

40/10mm Bore  Paper Puncher? Dscf0310

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40/10mm Bore  Paper Puncher? Empty Re: 40/10mm Bore Paper Puncher?

Post by rvlvrlvr 6/27/2016, 10:14 am

I used a S&W Model 610-3 in a revolver-only Bullseye match, using light 10mm target loads. I won the match. I used the same gun and loads in an L-match the same year and came in about 8th overall. Since then, the 610 has been 'relegated' to run'n'gun matches since it "makes major" with .40S&W and makes for much faster reloads than a speedloader and traditional rimmed cartridges.

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40/10mm Bore  Paper Puncher? Empty Re: 40/10mm Bore Paper Puncher?

Post by Axehandle 6/27/2016, 1:50 pm

Positive results...  Anybody put their gun in a Ransom Rest?


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Join date : 2013-09-17
Location : Alabama

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