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Broken extractor

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Broken extractor Empty Broken extractor

Post by troystaten 7/8/2016, 7:00 pm

The extractor on my Springfield armory milspec that has been worked over and turned into a wad gun broke at the hook.  The question I have is should I replace it with a stock part or buy an aftermarket part from Wilson combat or caspian?  I had about 3-5 k rounds through the gun before the extractor failed.



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Broken extractor Empty Re: Broken extractor

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 7/8/2016, 7:41 pm

If it was a MIM part, I would go with one of the after market units....if it wasn't, I would still be more comfortable with a machined/bar stock part.  The extractor in my loaded target didn't make it to 50 rounds.

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Broken extractor Empty Re: Broken extractor

Post by troystaten 7/8/2016, 7:57 pm

Good to know, thanks Steve.


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Broken extractor Empty Re: Broken extractor

Post by JayhawkNavy02 7/8/2016, 8:26 pm

USAMU and PWS for the USMC are using Caspian extractors.

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Broken extractor Empty Re: Broken extractor

Post by Jerry Keefer 7/9/2016, 11:14 am

I am a big fan of EGW extractors. The main factor to longivity,  is proper fit.. The extractor is one of the most poorly fit parts on the 1911.. To get it right often takes silver soldering a shim  into the fring pin stop slot and moving the extractor to the rear.. The frist pic shows the average extractor fit.. The case rebate angle is resting on the nose of the extractor.. With every shot the chamber pressure forces the case against the extractor nose... How many impulses until it breaks..????  The second picture the extractor has been welded and moved to fit correctly... This also has an effect on accuracy.. Do we want the extractor forcing the case to one side..?? I think not.
Broken extractor IMG_1360_zps5470460e
Broken extractor DSC03968_zpse7445057
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Broken extractor Empty Re: Broken extractor

Post by troystaten 7/9/2016, 12:11 pm

Thank you Jerry looks like this is not something that is necessarily a drop in part.  Now I just need to see if a gunsmith I know is available. 

take care


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