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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Jerry Keefer
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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by Tim:H11 7/15/2016, 6:25 am

I got a new Wolf Sear Spring for my RO and I was tuning it when I noticed that if I set up my trigger pull with out the grips safety and then instal the grip safety after words and check it again I gain a whole pound. Is this normal and if not what is the cause? I have not changed the grip safety. Just the sear spring.

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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by Jerry Keefer 7/15/2016, 8:59 am

The unitized nature of the sear spring, makes each leaf sympathetic to the other.
I discovered that machining a relief into the mainspring housing for each leaf, and installing an adjustment screw for the sear leaf, made life much more manageable.
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by Tim:H11 7/15/2016, 9:06 am

Interesting idea. Unfortunately the means to try that aren't at my disposal.

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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by HenryA 7/15/2016, 2:24 pm

Jerry Keefer wrote:The unitized nature of the sear spring, makes each leaf sympathetic to the other.
I discovered that machining a relief into the mainspring housing for each leaf, and installing an adjustment screw for the sear leaf, made life much more manageable.

Just straight through the back of the mainspring housing?
Do you have a picture, please?


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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by spursnguns 7/15/2016, 2:30 pm

Hello Tim:H11,

I think what Jerry is driving at....for some sear springs pressure/loads on one leaf (like that caused by the grip safety) may cause changes to the adjacent leaves.  I think you will find Colt sear springs do not have that tendency and would recommend substituting that manufacturer's part for your Wolff unit.


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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by jglenn21 7/15/2016, 6:38 pm

+1 on the colt sear springs... all I do to them is trim the left side of the sear leaf so it won't drag on the frame

here is a picture of one of Jerry's mainspring housings


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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by Jerry Keefer 7/15/2016, 8:15 pm

jglenn21 wrote:+1 on the colt sear springs... all I do to them is trim the left side of the sear leaf so it won't drag on the frame

here is a picture of one of Jerry's mainspring housings

Thank you... That saved me from having to dig it up...
Jerry Keefer
Jerry Keefer

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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by jglenn21 7/15/2016, 8:26 pm

I do have a few of your Photobucket shots book marked.... Smile

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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by HenryA 7/15/2016, 9:21 pm

And my thanks to both of you.

Last edited by HenryA on 7/16/2016, 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by jglenn21 7/16/2016, 8:34 am


Pull your grips off and take a look at the spring with the safety installed.. see if anything is pressing on the leafs. Also reduce your tension on the grip safety leaf..

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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by DavidR 7/17/2016, 11:07 am

Jerry should market some of his cool stuff, its great to see but most of us can just drool and continue using what we have.

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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

Post by Tim:H11 7/20/2016, 8:26 am

I ended up pulling the Wolff sear spring and replaceing it with a Colt styled one but I don't believe it's a Colt. It's a spare I picked up somewhere...? I have two Colt sear springs on order now. The replacement spring was easier to tune and I backed off the grip safety leg pressure some and problem was solved. Thanks guys I appreciate the input.

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Grip Safety affecting trigger pull? Empty Re: Grip Safety affecting trigger pull?

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