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Need a budget spotting scope

Oleg G
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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Tim:H11 7/25/2016, 7:22 am

I know that there are a couple threads on this already but I'm looking for a new or used spotting scope with a 40 or 45 degree angled eye piece that's small and won't break the bank. I'm hoping for 50 or 60 dollars maybe as much as $75. I'm fearful that this is a hard find but I ought I'd ask here and see what you all have to say on it. Thanks.

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Rob9mmshooter 7/25/2016, 7:31 am

Check out the scopes at Champions Choice in La Vergne TN.  They have some small scopes in the $100 area that will do a good job.


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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Oleg G 7/25/2016, 7:48 am

I bought this scope at Amazon. It works very well for me at 25 yards. I have not yet tried it at 50 yards but it should do the job. $56.99


I don't have a box to attached the scope to, and I'm using a tripod. The included tripod is short, so I also bought this tripod at Amazon for 16.99


It's lightweight but study enough to use on the shooting table.

Total investment: $57 + $17 = $74, which is within your budget. Hope this helps.
Oleg G
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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Tim:H11 7/25/2016, 8:01 am

Thanks! I noticed that the Celestron just has a zoom? No focus? Or maybe I missed that....

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Oleg G 7/25/2016, 8:02 am

Tim:H11 wrote:Thanks! I noticed that the Celestron just has a zoom? No focus? Or maybe I missed that....
It has both zoom and focus. Smile
Oleg G
Oleg G

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by DavidR 7/25/2016, 9:57 am

the same company makes a step up model, that has a 50mm with angle and roller knob adjustment, its very nice its called upclose and works very well at 50 yds,

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by james r chapman 7/25/2016, 11:26 am

I bought the small scope at the grand from champion I Believe. It worked well and much lighter than the one it replaced.
james r chapman
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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by LenV 7/25/2016, 2:14 pm

I have a Celestron that I am not using. Great size, focus, clarity etc. Solid unit....But. You have to have your eyeball almost in contact with the lens to get the full sight picture. It might just be my eyes but I don't have the same problem with other scopes. I have to take my shooting glasses off to use. Now that you know the problems I have with it I suppose I would have a hard time selling it here. Smile

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by DavidR 7/25/2016, 3:55 pm

OldMaster66 wrote:I have a Celestron that I am not using. Great size, focus, clarity etc. Solid unit....But. You have to have your eyeball almost in contact with the lens to get the full sight picture. It might just be my eyes but I don't have the same problem with other scopes. I have to take my shooting glasses off to use. Now that you know the problems I have with it I suppose I would have a hard time selling it here. Smile
Does it have the rubber cup on the lens? if so you need to roll it back, then you get full sight picture even with glasses. I seldom read the instructions on items I think I know about but that tip was in the paperwork and it did the trick for me.

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by LenV 7/25/2016, 4:34 pm

Nothing to roll back that I can see. I think you mentioned that you have the larger model.

Need a budget spotting scope  Dscf0829

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Bubba Blaster 7/26/2016, 4:59 pm


I have this scope and I like it a lot ! I haven't noticed the short eye relief till Old Master mentioned it. I'm sure a young shooter like Tim won't have a problem .
You will have to get into the $ 300 price range to get a better scope.

Bubba Blaster

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by LenV 7/26/2016, 5:25 pm

Well, TIM:H11 will find out Thursday if it works good for him. He twisted my arm. Smile

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Tim:H11 7/28/2016, 8:09 pm

Hey guys that Celestron is a bargain for the price. I didn't seem to have any trouble with glasses and eye relief. You can pretty much see what you need to. Very pleased with it. 

Unfortunately I have an old pachmyer box with the old bracket and hose clamp mounting system. I can mount the scope but it'll be mounted by the body. It'll make utilizing the pivoting of the eye peice impossible. I'm talking to a friend of mine that doesn't shoot anymore. He may sell me his newer box and scope mount and I'll be better off. This box of mine was my grandfathers and I don't have the heart to drill new holes in it for a new mount. 

But as for the scope I'm very pleased! Great bang for buck if you only use it for pistol and don't have a lot of coin.

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by LenV 7/28/2016, 11:23 pm

  I understand not wanting to drill a "bunch" of holes in an old pistol box. This is how I mounted a scope with the same 1/4" scope mount that you just got. This is "old school". Move the box left and right and tilt the scope up and down to align target. You will still be able to use the rotating feature on that scope. Just make sure you mount it where you don't have to take it off to close lid. That worked here for the last 40 years.

old school, one hole
Need a budget spotting scope  Dscf0830
Old school, old scope, old box
Need a budget spotting scope  Dscf0831

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Tim:H11 7/29/2016, 5:37 am

I don't understand what I'm looking at in the second picture. Maybe it's too early in the morning for me here. I see the box, and scope, but don't understand the mount..... Did you put a screw through the box into the scope? No mount?

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by JayhawkNavy02 7/29/2016, 8:39 am

I picked up a Champion's Choice Spotting Scope.   Good eye relief, compact, but a little larger than some 40 or 50mm lenses.  Very happy.  I also like that it is adjustable and has a collar to rotate the scope.


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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by LenV 7/29/2016, 8:49 am

The screw goes right through the box. No mount. You probably already have a hole there that holds the old hose clamp in place. No mount is needed.

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Tim:H11 7/29/2016, 8:54 am

Ha! I have four holes! The hose clamp feeds through a bracket of some sort on a swivel that's stamped Pachmyer. But the screw holes are smaller than the screw I'd use for the scope.

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by DavidR 7/29/2016, 9:22 am

google Gil hebard scope mount.

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Tim:H11 7/29/2016, 9:27 am

DavidR wrote:google Gil hebard scope mount.
I know of it. Wouldn't mind ordering one - it would probably do the trick but this is an old box that was my grandfathers and I don't want to redrill new or more holes. Id like to keep the box intact or the way it was.

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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by james r chapman 7/29/2016, 9:54 am

Tim,what would your GF have done if wanted a better (current) scope,
james r chapman
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Need a budget spotting scope  Empty Re: Need a budget spotting scope

Post by Tim:H11 7/29/2016, 10:20 am

Oh well that would've been amusing! He would've done what I did to start (I tend to take after him) and try everything to mount it with what I had. Tape, zip ties, different screws etc. And upon failing every time he'd cuss up a storm as I did and finally draw the line by removing the old mount and using nuts to hold the original screws in place to fill the old holes in and keep a finished look outside followed by buying GH mount and drilling new holes. 

However! My old pachmyer doesn't fit dot sighted guns and a new box is appealing although I shoot irons.

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