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Electronic Targets at Perry

Jim Knerr
Jerry Keefer
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james r chapman
Kermit Workman
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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by Kermit Workman 7/27/2016, 10:20 pm

I saw today(7-27) that electronic targets were set up on the Petreca Range for pistol shooters to try and pass along comments. Was there any mention of this before or at  Perry?
Somehow I missed it or it was a well kept secret.

Kermit Workman

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by dronning 7/27/2016, 10:56 pm

They were there and not well advertised. I fully intended to go over there but there were no markings on the building so I just drove by on my way to the Air Pistol range. 

- Dave

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by DeweyHales 7/28/2016, 6:34 am

I went and shot on them. They have pluses and minuses. 

Electronic targets would be a different experience. Turning targets were a different experience if you started shooting during the whistle days. 

As a collegiate rifle shooter, I prefer electronic targets for pistol. As a pistol shooter, our game would change with electronic targets. But, I'd still compete regardless of target type.

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by DavidR 7/28/2016, 9:20 am

Same system they use at the new CMP facility in Alabama, they are cool to shoot on but problematic in they have issues more than mechanical (if in good shape) both times ive shot matches there they had software glitches and other issues. They will never be at Perry, NRA will never pay the price, each firing point costs 7k

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by DeweyHales 7/28/2016, 10:24 am

I was thinking the cost was around $4500 for the pistol targets. There are electronic needs and consumables as well. 

I'm hopeful that rifle is fired on electronics next year at Perry.

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by DavidR 7/29/2016, 9:37 am

DeweyHales wrote:I was thinking the cost was around $4500 for the pistol targets. There are electronic needs and consumables as well. 

I'm hopeful that rifle is fired on electronics next year at Perry.
Some of us who regularly shot bullseye matches from surrounding states were invited to come to the new CMP complex in Al. in the spring and  shoot a preliminary shakedown match. We were told to be very careful and not damage the equipment as it's cost was 7000.00 for each firing point by Sara the CMP official who runs the pistol program. We received a list of rules of use, one of them was if you don't have a NRA classification of sharp shooter you must first shoot on a stationary paper target at 50 yards and all 10 shots must be on the paper. Even one miss and you have to come back another time and try and qualify again. Also during a match if you hit the target frame once you get a warning a second time your asked to leave. However they relaxed the qualifying rule back to marksman before we got started shooting and no one was asked to leave that day.  In the first public 2700 which I also went to, several guys hit the frames several times but no one was asked to leave, so maybe they are rethinking some of the rules they first had.

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 7/29/2016, 10:02 am

I will assume they have my picture with a red slash through posted some where,

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by james r chapman 7/29/2016, 10:07 am

Well, the traditional Perry frames resisted my attempts several times.
james r chapman
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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by Sa-tevp 7/29/2016, 10:15 am

All the holes in my target frames came from crossfires. Honest.

Back in December Service Pistol really chewed up the frames up and down the firing line.

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 7/29/2016, 10:19 am

The frames at perry are tough, but those rubber bands have a strong attraction for lead

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by dronning 7/29/2016, 10:51 am

STEVE SAMELAK wrote:The frames at perry are tough, but those rubber bands have a strong attraction for lead

Mitch (the shooter scoring my target) told me the year before during the preliminary matches the shooter he was scoring went to pull the rubber band off that must have been nicked because it promptly broke and caught the guy square in his right eye.  He couldn't continue, it was so bad he couldn't shoot for the rest of the week.

- Dave

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 7/29/2016, 11:30 am

I got into the habit of always wearing glasses & having earplugs in as a minimum whenever I get near a firing line.
You can never predict when something stupid will happen.

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by AllAces 7/29/2016, 11:33 am

I was told the electronic target frames were designed to withstand rifle rounds which should be good enough for pistol. Does the CMP have a capital fund for replacement of electronic targets?

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by LenV 7/29/2016, 11:38 am

One of Clark's pictures. E-target at Camp Perry 2016.

Electronic Targets at Perry PIstol%2Btarget

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by SNaymola 7/29/2016, 12:05 pm

Is the inside hole dimension the same as a 50 or 25 yard paper target? It looks smaller.


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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by DeweyHales 7/29/2016, 2:52 pm

The picture shows a hole mimicking a 25 yard target. I was there when the picture was taken.

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by Jack H 7/29/2016, 3:05 pm

Looks to be a snowball at 8 already  Smile

What material is
the framwork?
The "white scoring area"?
The black?
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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by Jack H 7/29/2016, 3:11 pm

Nice metal base. 

Even that wouldn't last on our club range for members who spray and pray.  Sometimes a 9mm bubba will hit way down on the base.  And we keep the lumber recycler stocked regularly.  And keeping bubba in targets gets us no thanks from bubba.

[off rant]
Jack H
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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by SNaymola 7/29/2016, 3:19 pm

I guess when I said inside dimension, I meant the complete 50 or 25 yard target size, 21" x 24". It looks like the visible miss area will be in the frame.


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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by DavidR 7/29/2016, 3:31 pm

yes it is, no scoring rings just white background and black circle, black is rubber like and on a roll that moves after the string is fired, in the two matches I shot they didn't repair hits to the white till the match was over, so next match it would be ready, but some of the white paper was really peppered so I'm sure they replace those like that often.

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by clark2245 7/29/2016, 3:52 pm

The white area inside the outer square is large enough to represent the target out to the 5 ring, but not the entire "visible miss" part of the paper target rectangle.   This inner white area is a plastic corrugated like material that can be swapped out as needed to have 25 or 50 yard size openings for the black center.   That inner white area is patched with white pasters between shooters, but any holes you put in it will be visible for the rest of  your aggregate.   The outer white area is a thick plastic that Bryan said "absorbs" any bullets, but I don't know how visible hits might be.   I didn't hit it and didn't see anyone else do so.

The black scoring area is a flexible rubber material in belt form that moves a small amount with each hit to prevent having a big hole shot out of it in the middle.

The pistol targets, as pictured above, were mobile ones that they can move around as needed, while the rifle ones at 100 yards are permanently mounted behind a berm and have actuators to raise and lower them.   The first time they let us shoot on the pistol targets they forgot to lower the rifle targets, and the next day Bryan told me some of my bullets had skipped and hit the rifle frames.   He said it didn't matter since as soon as the rifle guys started shooting on them they would get torn up anyway.


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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by SNaymola 7/29/2016, 4:39 pm

Thanks Clark. I only had 1 visible miss this year, but did not hit the frame holder. Next year no misses allowed.


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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by DavidR 7/29/2016, 5:22 pm

that's another twist to these, the 50 yard pistol range in AL lowers from vertical to horizontal as the 25 yd frames raise from horizontal to vertical, and no turning just a two light system, commands end red light on then approx. 3 seconds green light goes on, shots fired before or after green is a miss. no such thing as a skidder on this set up. Laughing

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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by Jerry Keefer 7/29/2016, 6:29 pm

I am shocked.. When talking about moving to Cardinal, "Tradition, and Nostalgia" are the most mentioned reasons to resist moving..but no such mention of tradition and nostalgia when switching to a gadget target system that will change the game irreversibly.
Jerry Keefer
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Electronic Targets at Perry Empty Re: Electronic Targets at Perry

Post by Wobbley 7/29/2016, 6:33 pm

We're turning targets the norm in all matches prior to WW2?  Or did we used to use whistles bells and such?

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