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Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans?

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Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans? Empty Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans?

Post by HogCommander 8/7/2016, 11:47 am

Anybody happen to know the dimensions of the green benches we shoot from at Camp Perry?  Just moved into a house that has a home theater and I'm setting it up for dry firing.  Ideally would like to build an exact replica of the benches at Perry but could make it work with just the bench height.

I realize I can make the height whatever I want but would like to get as close to authentic as possible. 

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans? Empty Re: Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans?

Post by james r chapman 8/7/2016, 12:05 pm

I believe they were only 30" high, although I did not measure them, again!
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james r chapman
james r chapman

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Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans? Empty Re: Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans?

Post by dronning 8/7/2016, 12:15 pm


Remember the height depends on how deep the mud is.

- Dave

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Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans? Empty Re: Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans?

Post by HogCommander 8/7/2016, 12:58 pm

Thanks guys!  I figure 6' long and 31" high ought to get me close.  I think a pair of 2X10's will work for the top for what I'm trying to accomplish.


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Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans? Empty Re: Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans?

Post by james r chapman 8/7/2016, 2:11 pm

Some had plywood tops, some 2x10?

I know a Irwin spring clamp would work on them.
Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans? IMG_20160716_125332877_HDR_zpsquwbfqrd
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans? Empty Re: Camp Perry bench dimensions/plans?

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