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The misfortune of the Trooper's long hammer fall

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The misfortune of the Trooper's long hammer fall Empty The misfortune of the Trooper's long hammer fall

Post by inthebeech 8/13/2016, 6:14 am

I bought a Trooper for Bullseye and quickly found out how much longer you have to pull the hammer in single action, compared to a Smith and Wesson.  I never knew how good I had it with my Model 14-3.  It's a shame given the nice balance and better-than-Smith forcing cone of this Trooper.  But my thumb just doesn't have the flexibility to cock the gun without changing my grip.
It was just a thought.
I've never had an Officer's Model Match so am curious if the hammer travel is different on this model given its long and successful history in the sport.
Or it could just be my stiff, old joints.

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The misfortune of the Trooper's long hammer fall Empty Re: The misfortune of the Trooper's long hammer fall

Post by Wobbley 8/13/2016, 8:12 am

IIRC, the OMM begat the Python.  I know my Python has a much longer hammer fall than the M14 Smith.  So I don't think you'll find the OMM better in that regard. The OMM and the Python have very large hammer Spurs so it might be easier to thumb for you.  Find one at a local gun shop and try it out.

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The misfortune of the Trooper's long hammer fall Empty Re: The misfortune of the Trooper's long hammer fall

Post by Sa-tevp 8/13/2016, 9:50 pm


Long and short throw OMM hammers, one SA-DA and the other SA only.

Fun blog, Colt revolver forensics.

Edit: another good one at coltpython.blogspot - http://coltpython.blogspot.com/2009/05/another-sa-only-officers-model-match.html

Last edited by Sa-tevp on 8/13/2016, 10:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : More Colt revolver dirty pictures)

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The misfortune of the Trooper's long hammer fall Empty Re: The misfortune of the Trooper's long hammer fall

Post by Ghillieman 8/14/2016, 12:40 am

I shoot a Colt OMM for DR. The hammer comes back further than all the S&W I have tried, but is a lot lighter and smoother. I'm sure that increases lock time too.

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