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springfield range officer question

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springfield range officer question Empty springfield range officer question

Post by SW-52 8/15/2016, 9:10 am

hi people,i read great reviews about Range officer 1911,and i will buy one between december,february 2017. this pistol have slide to frame great fit.this pistol need more fit slide to frame?? and what need to shoot groups of 1",1.5,etc. i want the best for me, or in a future buy a used bullseye gun. thanks

Posts : 796
Join date : 2015-07-20
Age : 40

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springfield range officer question Empty Re: springfield range officer question

Post by AllAces 8/15/2016, 9:18 am

Once you have your RO, send it to one of the reputable bullseye smiths, such as Dave Salyer. They will build the RO into the bullseye gun you want and you will get many years of service from their build.

Posts : 745
Join date : 2011-08-30

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springfield range officer question Empty Re: springfield range officer question

Post by DavidR 8/15/2016, 9:59 am

SW-52 wrote:hi people,i read great reviews about Range officer 1911,and i will buy one between december,february 2017. this pistol have slide to frame great fit.this pistol need more fit slide to frame?? and what need to shoot groups of 1",1.5,etc. i want the best for me, or in a future buy a used bullseye gun. thanks
The lure of a RO is its a great starter gun at a good price but to move it to a great gun is expensive. The frame to slide fit on many RO's is good but not all, ive seen several that were sloppy so if you can buy one in person where you can check you can be sure. As to 1'' groups , only way is a full barrel change and then its a crap shoot as most will get under 3'' with a kart barrel and bushing  but it depends heavily on the right ammo to get the lowest group size, also include in your plan to replace most internal trigger parts, hammer, sear, disconector, main spring housing, spring and pin then if you plan to shoot with a dot,it needs a scope rail installed as well( additional 200.00 parts and labor. You will easily add 1000.00 or more to the 800.00 base cost of the gun or more to get it into the realm of being the best it can be. Then it will still have a smooth front strap, add a couple hundred more to get it checkered or you can just opt for grip tape. The rework, parts labor plus shipping a handgun at least two ways will elevate the total investment above 2 grand . At this price there are several other options you could think about or bump up the cost some and get a custom built gun from KC or other sources.

Posts : 3032
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 70
Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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