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What part of the finger should touch the trigger?

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What part of the finger should touch the trigger? Empty What part of the finger should touch the trigger?

Post by Saladman 8/21/2016, 10:51 pm

I have typically used the center of the first bone of my index finger to press the trigger.  I find that this is extremely difficult to do consistently on a single gun let alone across several different guns.  By difficult I mean consistently pressing the trigger until sear release without the gun or sights moving in any perceptible way.  When switching to the joint between the first and second index finger bones, the pull feels lighter, and it gets a lot easier to consistently pull the trigger "correctly."  

Can anyone give me any advice on how to overcome this... problem?  I do dry fire a lot but perhaps I'm doing it wrong.  lol!


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What part of the finger should touch the trigger? Empty Re: What part of the finger should touch the trigger?

Post by orpheoet 8/22/2016, 12:00 am

Speaking for myself it's different for different guns. 1911 the trigger is right in front of the crease of first knuckle, S&W revolvers with standard serrated trigger is a little past the middle of the first pad, M41 and Hämmerli 280 are right in the middle of the first pad....I just try to be consistent with each gun. But for me there is no universal best spot for every trigger.I think you might want to find out exactly where on your finger gets the best, most consistent results before you do a lot of dry fire.

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What part of the finger should touch the trigger? Empty Re: What part of the finger should touch the trigger?

Post by DavidR 8/22/2016, 11:58 am

google the Zins grip, it works for many

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What part of the finger should touch the trigger? Empty Re: What part of the finger should touch the trigger?

Post by trotterlg 8/22/2016, 6:36 pm

Far from an expert, but I find it much easier to not pull off target if I put my first joint directly over the trigger.  Seems to put less side to side stress on my hand than with it in the pad of my finger.  Could depend on the length of takeup and release you have, I have mine set short.  Larry


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What part of the finger should touch the trigger? Empty Re: What part of the finger should touch the trigger?

Post by Froneck 8/26/2016, 11:10 pm

Since I started making trigger shoes and talking to many shooters about finger placement I find there are 3 locations used by some of the top shooters. One location is the end of the pad about 3/4 the distance from the joint to the end of the finger. Seem like those with very long fingers like that. Second popular location is in the center of the pad about 1/2 the distance from the joint to the end of the finger. Third is the first joint, I was surprised to hear many of the top shooters like that location.
 Please understand when I say top shooters I'm talking those that frequent the stage during the award ceremony at Perry including winners of the match. For those that use the first joint I make a very narrow shoe rounded on both sides, The ultra smooth surface and ends rounded makes the trigger feel better than the somewhat sharp edges  of most 1911 triggers. I'm currently making one now that will fit the contour of the first joint.


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What part of the finger should touch the trigger? Empty Re: What part of the finger should touch the trigger?

Post by john bickar 8/26/2016, 11:31 pm

Froneck wrote:Since I started making trigger shoes and talking to many shooters about finger placement I find there are 3 locations used by some of the top shooters. One location is the end of the pad about 3/4 the distance from the joint to the end of the finger. Seem like those with very long fingers like that. Second popular location is in the center of the pad about 1/2 the distance from the joint to the end of the finger. Third is the first joint, I was surprised to hear many of the top shooters like that location.
 Please understand when I say top shooters I'm talking those that frequent the stage during the award ceremony at Perry including winners of the match. For those that use the first joint I make a very narrow shoe rounded on both sides, The ultra smooth surface and ends rounded makes the trigger feel better than the somewhat sharp edges  of most 1911 triggers. I'm currently making one now that will fit the contour of the first joint.
Great post, Frank.

A long time ago I used to be way out on the tip of the trigger finger (past the 3/4 that Frank describes). Erich Buljung chewed my ass about that. Ever since, I'm at the middle of the first pad. I'm pretty sure Brian Zins is a strong advocate for the joint/bone but the geometry of that has never made sense for me. To repeat from earlier threads, I have tiny little teenage girl hands.
john bickar
john bickar

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What part of the finger should touch the trigger? Empty Re: What part of the finger should touch the trigger?

Post by Froneck 8/27/2016, 12:27 pm

Thanks John Smile  I've noticed there is a sweet spot in my location on the trigger which is about the 1/4 mark in my previous description. Each time I got a request for a shoe from someone at the top of the game I tried one for myself. With that I found my sweet spot at which the pull seems the easiest to shoot with and feels lightest. To help maintain that spot I've been adjusting the amount of shoe on the right side (being a right handed shooter) Plus I noticed that the location I found was what I was always using yet from time to time unknowingly moved it a slight bit and my score suffered. Being lazy I'm using the shoe to help find the location. I'm sure the top shooters have that location fix in muscle memory and find it without reference however the request from one at the very top to make a shoe to fit the contour of the first joint is so he too can find that location easily.


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