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Extra Tension and how can I check it?

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Extra Tension and how can I check it?  Empty Extra Tension and how can I check it?

Post by Tim:H11 Tue Aug 30, 2016 6:37 pm

Might have solved the jamming in my 41. Extractor didn't seem to have much bite. Tweaked and ran 100 rounds. Nothing seemed wrong during that 100 rounds. 

what is a proper way to test extractor tension?

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Extra Tension and how can I check it?  Empty Re: Extra Tension and how can I check it?

Post by jglenn21 Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:06 pm

I generally swap out the extractor spring every year when going over my 41.. found that proper extractor setup means more than tension myself.. I've also changed over to the Volquartsen extractor
 .. on the spring call S&W customer service and they will ship you a couple if you ask.


if you dig around a bit you'll find some nice info from Mr Keefer on the extractor and how it should be setup

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Extra Tension and how can I check it?  Empty Re: Extra Tension and how can I check it?

Post by jglenn21 Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:08 pm

BTW you just found the source of almost all jamming issue with the 41

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