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Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16

Jon Eulette
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Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16 Empty Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16

Post by noproblem 9/4/2016, 10:22 am

Training Blog - Last Updated 9/4/2016

As I embark on this journey to Camp Perry for next year 2017, i felt it important for me to share with the group. I hope you all can join me  
Classification: Marksman outdoor
Shooting Experience: First time shooting a pistol *February 2016 

Present Equipment
22 caliber - Smith and Wesson model 41 w/ ultra dot mounted on a clarks custom bullseye barrel
45 caliber - Springfield range officer 45 ACP with w/ ultra dot 

To shoot at Champ Perry with a score of 2500>

Training Program (started 8/15/16)
Mondays – 60 mins wall dry fire and strength training  
Tuesdays - 100 live rounds (22 cal) and 50 live rounds (45 ACP) at a custom indoor 8 ring target (see attached)
Wednesday - Bullseye League Match (22; CF; 45)
Thursday - 60 mins wall dry fire and strength training
Friday – 60 mins wall dry fire and strength training
Saturday and Sunday - Family Time 

I will update my progress to Camp Perry as I train and get updated scores     

2700 Match Scores
7/17 - 2330
7/24 - 2267
8/21 – 2296
8/28 – 2280

Bullseye League Scores 22Cal Only * 600 match
5/11/16 - 487
5/18/16 - 477
5/25/16 - 523
6/01/16 – 525 
6/08/16 - 528
6/15/16 - 525
6/22/16 – 517 
6/29/16 – 513 *New Gun S&W 41
7/13/16 - 542
8/24/16 – 551 *New custom Clarks for S&W barrel 
8/31/16 – 542
9/7/16 - 538 

Bullseye League Scores 45ACP cal / 22cal combine *600 match
5/11/16 - 447
5/18/16 - 514
5/25/16 - 456
6/01/16 – 495 
6/08/16 - 502
6/15/16 - 456
6/22/16 – 536
6/29/16 – 512
7/13/16 - 517
8/24/16 – 523
8/31/16 – 496
9/7/16 - 518  

Weekly Training Sessions - 100 rounds (22cal) and 50 rounds (CF) at an 8 ring target
8/16/16 - (22cal) 71% inside 8 ring; (CF) 57% inside 8 ring 
8/23/16 – (22cal) 74% inside 8 ring; (CF) 54% inside 8 ring
8/30/16 – (22cal) 68% inside 8 ring; (CF) 50% inside 8 ring

Any tips or suggestions are great appreciated
Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16 Attachment
BullsEye50ft-oRing8.pdf You don't have permission to download attachments.(37 Kb) Downloaded 28 times

Last edited by noproblem on 9/7/2016, 6:00 pm; edited 5 times in total


Posts : 34
Join date : 2016-01-30

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Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16 Empty Re: Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16

Post by orpheoet 9/4/2016, 10:25 am

That's some serious dedication. Bravo!

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Post by Jon Eulette 9/4/2016, 11:15 am

Good for you! Highly recommend you look up on other post how to really dry fire. You want to make the most out it. Too many shooters go through the motions of dry firing and really don't learn much from it. 
Have fun :l)
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Post by SteveT 9/4/2016, 11:57 am

+1 to Jon's post. 

I recommend adding some visualization. This can be done at night before going to sleep or anytime you can ignore the world for a little while.

I would not recommend firing a fixed number of rounds in a shooting session. It appears you have shot enough to be familiar with the course of fire, so "practicing" by shooting match courses or 900's will probably have less benefit than "training" by focusing on specific areas of weakness. Work on your weaknesses and as you approach a big match transition to more practice.

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Post by noproblem 9/4/2016, 12:23 pm


Brilliant i fully agree, My weakness 
- not having a sound repeatable shot process 
- Good sound breathing hold technique
- Knowing when to abort a shot
- Better trigger follow through
- slight jerk more noticeable on the 45acp 
- fitness 
Thanks, i agree I am trying not just to dry without purpose i dry fire on a blank wall on Mondays and Wednesday looking for scope movement. Thursdays i do horizontal and vertical hold all in the correct shooting position. Fridays i bring it all together dry firing with a course of fire command app through the entire process.


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Post by orpheoet 9/4/2016, 12:27 pm

I was a marksman not too long ago and one thing that held me back was dry firing incorrectly. This didn't become apparent until I experienced the phenomena of "first shot flyers". I realized that when I was dry firing I was focusing too much on feeling the trigger and not enough(or at all really) on sight alignment. Once I learned how to properly dry fire from this forum the first shot flyers went away.

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Post by CR10X 9/4/2016, 2:29 pm

The most important statistic missing is how many times did you correctly call each live fire shot?  The second most important one is how many times did you mentally review the call for each dry fire shot?  Most people simply click and fire doing the same old thing without reviewing the outcome.  You wanna get better? Analyze the heck out of each 10,  call the shot every time.  If it's on call, no matter where it is on the target, you're on the right path.  If it's a 10, write down and describe everything you felt and saw.  If it's not on call, quit blinking and start seeing.   It's considered impolite to shoot at something and not see what's actually happening.

Lastly, 60 minutes of actual, productive dry firing is an awfully long time to maintain that level of attention and concentration.  20 minutes a day, every day was much more productive for me.  Strength and endurance training for the bullseye muscles, that's different.  Bullseye is a marathon,  not a sprint.

Good luck and good shooting.  

Like the hot dog vendor told the Dali Lama when he asked for his change back.   "Change comes from within."


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Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16 Empty Re: Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16

Post by noproblem 9/4/2016, 4:45 pm

thank you, 
so are correct, shot calling is a vital part the training process. it will be added immediately along with some measureable way of tracking when i correctly call a shot.   

Newly Added 
During the 60 mins daily training session i will do 20 mins dry firing along with 40 mins weights. Since i am not training with an actual bullseye target and shooting at 8 ring dot. I will try and call each shot as follows - shot inside 8 ring and location, shot outside 8 ring and location.


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Post by CR10X 9/4/2016, 5:21 pm

You probably want to calling the shot to the actual ring and clock hour.  Doesn't matter about the actual target.  We want to really see the shot, and just in or out of 8 is not enough.  We want to be completely aware and focused on seeing the entire set process, including the point where the dot begins to move from recoil, not just wobbke.


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Post by Jon Eulette 9/4/2016, 5:42 pm

CR10X is spot on. You have to be able to call your live fire shots and dry fire shots. Being able to call shots is crucial to good BE shooting. Everytime you shoot a live fire shot your brain remembers what you did to perform the shot. The subconscious and conscious mind are working together. If you want to shoot a 10 you have to know what a 10 looks like. As soon as the bullet leaves the pistol you should be able know exactly where it hits the target; scoring ring & clock placement. When you dry fire its exactly the same! So breakdown the fundamentals in your dry firing. Focus on trigger during live fire. You should always get feedback from all your shots both live and dry.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Post by noproblem 9/4/2016, 6:37 pm

CR10x and Jon

You are the men

Knowing me i need to start slowly, so i create and uploaded a new training target which is a 8 ring for the 50 ft target that now has 5 sections for shot calling . upper right, left and lower left and right. Te center circle is the X ring

You are brilliant

Last edited by noproblem on 9/5/2016, 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Jack H 9/4/2016, 9:53 pm

I believe the two most important questions about your performance are - Did you make the call from what you saw and felt at the gun?  And did you control the gun so you can make the call again and again?
Jack H
Jack H

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Post by SMBeyer 9/5/2016, 12:48 pm

I call and scope every single slowfire shot I shoot.  I do not however assign a number value to the shot (or at least try not to).  I want to stay with the shot process and not get caught up in the results process.  Remember, results are the by product of the execution of the shot and shot values are for scoring.

One of the best training exercises for me was given to me by my air pistol coach.  He started me with 4 "10's" in a row on a single target.  I had an hour and 45 minutes to do it.  You shoot a shot if it's a 10 you shoot another.  If it's not a 10 replace target and start over.  First training I couldn't do it.  When I finished with the coach I was working on 11.

You don't have to pick the 10 ring.  If you need to start with the 8 ring thats fine.  This teaches you every shot counts and this shot is the most important one.


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Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16 Empty Re: Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16

Post by noproblem 9/5/2016, 1:53 pm

I agree i am trying not to get all caught up the scores, so i created a target in the hopes it will help me with shot calling in quadrens and not scores (see attached )  

In order to get a base line for my shot calling process. I went to the range today and shot two slow fire targets at 50 ft. The green circle indicates I was able to call the shot. no green circle i was way off . What also was important fo me is that all shots were within the 8 ring . My training is coming together 

Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16 Img_2013

Road to Camp Perry 2017 - blog *updated 9.7.16 Img_2012
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