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Hammerli 208s set up issues

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Hammerli 208s set up issues Empty Hammerli 208s set up issues

Post by Schaumannk 6/12/2011, 9:28 pm

For those of you shooting the 208, I have some questions. I started out with the 208 in Bullseye three years ago and then after a year switched to an AW-93. There are many things I like about the AW-93, especially the recoil buffer which makes rapid fire a dream if I do my part with the triggering.

I liked the AW-93 better for sustained fire in general but always seem to shoot the Hammerli better in slow fire. I recently started shooting my Hammerli again and was trying to set it up so it felt more like the AW-93.
When I first started shooting the Hammerli I shot it with the Knapp mount but found that the Knapp mount would catch brass and occasionally pop it back into the chamber. I switched to a BME mount which seemed to make the gun more reliable but it also sifted the balance of the gun to the rear and made it a little more muzzle light than the AW-93. I recently added some weight to the front and shifted my scope forward to try and get rid of the bouncing brass problem, and it occurred to me that most people on the list shooting a Hammerli had probably dealt with similar issues;
So I have some questions.
Kind of an informal poll here.
Which mount do most Hammerli shooters prefer? Knapp. BME or other?
Do you add extra weight to the front of the gun to help with recoil?
For those of you using the Knapp/ Hammerli mount, have you cut off the back of the mount to keep it from interfering with the ejection port?
Also, if you experience less of a problem with one ammo than another, tell me your ammo preference for functioning?
Have you messed with the spring or the ejector/extractor to try and change the trajectory of the spent cases?

Thanks in advance for any comments. Kate


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Join date : 2011-06-11
Location : Cheyenne, WY

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Hammerli 208s set up issues Empty Re: Hammerli 208s set up issues

Post by mayhaw11 6/16/2011, 9:33 am

Hello List, Finally Made it..........


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Hammerli 208s set up issues Empty Re: Hammerli 208s set up issues

Post by Steve Yuszka 6/22/2011, 8:27 pm

I use the Knapp mount and did cut the rear section off, no issues. My H208S seems to digest most anything I put into it. Acuracy wise it loves the Eley brand, any Eley. Shoots the Wolf Match target well, for practice the CCI standard can't be beat.
Steve Yuszka
Steve Yuszka

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Join date : 2011-06-10
Location : Columbus, Ohio


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