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what scope to go with?

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what scope to go with? Empty what scope to go with?

Post by Refn-fal 9/9/2016, 7:41 am

I have an old Ultradot 1" that is not adjusting properly, and I don't have a proof of purchase for warrenty. So I was looking at getting a new one. I am a new shooter and that's all I've shot. So I was looking at either getting another 1" of a Matchdot ll. The matchdot ll looks good, and I like the way you can easily adjust it for differnt distances, instead of having to go by a paint marker line for my settings. So is it worth the extra money for the other settings? Thoughts? Thanks in advance, Richard


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what scope to go with? Empty correction

Post by Refn-fal 9/9/2016, 7:44 am

Sorry, an Ultradot 1" OR a Matchdot. Not the ll.

Last edited by Refn-fal on 9/9/2016, 7:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : correction)


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what scope to go with? Empty Re: what scope to go with?

Post by BE Mike 9/9/2016, 8:06 am

It's really personal preference. One factor is that the Matchdot is a 30mm scope. The extra viewing area might be a distraction or you may like it.
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what scope to go with? Empty Re: what scope to go with?

Post by Aprilian 9/9/2016, 8:28 am

The original silver matchdot does not have hand-adjustable elevation with a resettable zero, it takes a screw driver.   For a few bucks more, get the black match dot 2.

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what scope to go with? Empty Re: what scope to go with?

Post by Olde Pilot 9/9/2016, 9:08 am

Think Ultradot will still repair yours under warranty but at additional charge of $25.00 without proof of purchase.

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what scope to go with? Empty Re: what scope to go with?

Post by DavidR 9/9/2016, 9:48 am

Depends on your gun and loads, the matchdot or the II are both heavier so you might have to adjust your gun or loads to properly cycle that is if you have a slide mount. As far as marking the dot, its no big deal, a 22 needs no adjustment most times, a 45 once you get your 25 yd zero you make a sharpie mark and with most loads its only 4-6 clicks up for 50 yds.

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what scope to go with? Empty Re: what scope to go with?

Post by Refn-fal 9/9/2016, 6:00 pm

I'm running this scope on my .45 wadgun. I did think about the weight difference, but I checked and the website says there is 1.1 oz between the two, so I don't think it will change my load more then a tenth. On the matchdot ll I wouldn't use the other reticles, but does it offer anything else over the silver matchdot?


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what scope to go with? Empty Re: what scope to go with?

Post by DavidR 9/9/2016, 7:20 pm

Refn-fal wrote:I'm running this scope on my .45 wadgun. I did think about the weight difference, but I checked and the website says there is 1.1 oz between the two, so I don't think it will change my load more then a tenth. On the matchdot ll I wouldn't use the other reticles, but does it offer anything else over the silver matchdot?
only the elevation knob with the outside click marks and its settable, once you get a good zero you can loosen the screw and set it to show 0 at your desired setting. Some say when you switch reticles your zero changes.... not a good thing

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