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Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE!

james r chapman
Mike M.
Archer Gravely
john bickar
Fire Escape
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What is your attendance at the Nationals

Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_lcap25%Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_rcap 25% 
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Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_lcap25%Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_rcap 25% 
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Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_lcap2%Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_rcap 2% 
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Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_lcap3%Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_rcap 3% 
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Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_lcap3%Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_rcap 3% 
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Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_lcap2%Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Vote_rcap 2% 
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Total Votes : 130

Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Empty Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE!

Post by dronning Mon 12 Sep 2016, 08:11

Based on the Perry / Cardinal poll I was wondering how many people on this forum actually attend the nationals, verses those that never have, or will attend.  I'm also try to get at the reasons too.  Select the answer that fits your situation/feelings best.

This isn't intended to be a Perry verses Cardinal poll, the other poll capture that. 

- Dave

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Post by dronning Mon 12 Sep 2016, 09:46

55 views and only 12 votes, I'm sure people have checked back in but if you haven't yet PLEASE vote!

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Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Empty Re: Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE!

Post by Fire Escape Mon 12 Sep 2016, 13:44

I have been to Perry a number of times in the past for Hi-Power Rifle. While I like to think that I might get back there (or where ever the Pistol Nationals are held) for Pistol someday the reality is that my hips hurt enough that I don't even shoot in my club 'League' matches anymore. In my opinion this disqualified me from voicing an opinion in the other poll.

I do believe that the tail has begun wagging the dog of late in regards to the Nationals, When I went CMP was a contributing part of the event rather than the controlling factor.


I don't see an option in this poll that really fits my situation.

Last edited by Fire Escape on Mon 12 Sep 2016, 13:46; edited 1 time in total

Fire Escape

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Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Empty Re: Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE!

Post by LenV Mon 12 Sep 2016, 13:45

I can't vote. You don't have my option. Have attended and plan on going back some day.


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Post by dronning Mon 12 Sep 2016, 14:43

LenV wrote:I can't vote. You don't have my option. Have attended and plan on going back some day.


Len I just messaged Rob with 


Please add "I have attended and plan on going back some day"  right after the question  "I have never attended but plan too" if possible

- Dave

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Post by Tim:H11 Mon 12 Sep 2016, 18:18

I voted that I never have, and never will because of cost but that very well could change one day. As it stands what little time and money I can devote to shooting sports is not primarily on bullseye. But Bullseye is deffenately a favorite.

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Post by john bickar Mon 12 Sep 2016, 19:18

Been 10 times (plus a few more as a spectator/family member), would like to attend again if time/distance/money were no object.
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Post by Ghillieman Tue 13 Sep 2016, 00:08

My opinion is that all the matches during the year is a preparation for Perry. However the expense, time, and resources required to compete at Perry cannot be taken lightly and can certainly cause me to miss years in the future.

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Post by Archer Gravely Tue 13 Sep 2016, 05:31

I used to survey research for a living and I can tell you that the problem with this survey item is that the response categories are not mutually exclusive assuming its not a "mark all that apply" question.
Archer Gravely
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Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE! Empty Re: Have you been or will you go to the Nationals - PLEASE PARTICIPATE!

Post by dronning Tue 13 Sep 2016, 07:03

Archer Gravely wrote:I used to survey research for a living and I can tell you that the problem with this survey item is that the response categories are not mutually exclusive assuming its not a "mark all that apply" question.

Just answer the most appropriate.
I've designed and participated in the design of many surveys during my career too, overlapping questions is a survey strategy especially when you don't have a tool to parse the data.  Mark all that apply would lose survey participation info. which is a key data point here.

Overlapping questions like:
I attend every few years because it's too expensive to do annually 
or I attend every few years because I can only get so much time off for family vacations - are beyond the scope of what I am trying to get at. 

- Dave

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Post by DavidR Tue 13 Sep 2016, 07:37

dronning wrote:
LenV wrote:I can't vote. You don't have my option. Have attended and plan on going back some day.


Len I just messaged Rob with 


Please add "I have attended and plan on going back some day"  right after the question  "I have never attended but plan too" if possible

- Dave
Rob's busy with election stuff, so I added it to the poll although the  "I attend as often as I can " was already there which is basically the same thing. It's what I checked myself...

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Post by LenV Tue 13 Sep 2016, 08:05

I notice that you added the line. But only after I had checked " I attend as often as I can" Smile

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Post by jmdavis Tue 13 Sep 2016, 09:22

I have been since 2012 for rifle and the past 2 years for pistol and Rifle. This was my first year shooting NRA Pistol at Nationals. 

Most of us cannot afford to take weeks of vacation to shoot all of Camp Perry. If I could I would arrive and shoot HP, NRA HP, NRA LR, Pistol, and NRA Pistol. 

I plan to continue to attend every year. But I selected that I go when I can.

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Post by DavidR Tue 13 Sep 2016, 12:14

LenV wrote:I notice that you added the line. But only after I had checked " I attend as often as I can" Smile
I added it when I read the post. no way to alter the count other than delete and start over.

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Post by Danehogle Tue 13 Sep 2016, 17:42

I will attend the nationals....
That is a match. Not a place...

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Post by Mike M. Sat 29 Oct 2016, 19:24

Maybe...but it's not at the top of my shooting priority list.  The World Muzzle-Loading Championships have that place.  I'd like to make the USA Shooting Nationals one of these days.

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Post by gregbenner Tue 01 Nov 2016, 13:15

I am new to competition shooting. Have never been to a meet. Have heard of Camp Perry, but unfamiliar with the Nationals? I just shoot pistols. Have heard about Camp Perry, would love to go.

Last edited by gregbenner on Thu 03 Nov 2016, 23:32; edited 1 time in total


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Post by james r chapman Tue 01 Nov 2016, 15:16

It has always been on my bucket list. Been for the week of pistol, never made it for small bore. Shot Ohio state championship in '73 or so. Will be back for pistol.
Also, Vandalia and Sparta, and no, not yet, Cardinal Center
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Post by larryxyx Sat 05 Nov 2016, 12:52

Went to Perry around 74 (I think).
This was a Law Enforcement Seminar.
We did a lot of shooting but not National Match.
The chicken coupes weren't that appealing.


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Post by willnewton Sat 05 Nov 2016, 15:20

All the "I have" and the "I'll never"

Where is the "I haven't yet, but hopefully I can attend a Bullseye National event one day."

and "I don't care where it's at, but I'll be darned if Cardinal does not look nice."  Smile

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Post by LenV Sat 05 Nov 2016, 16:19

willnewton wrote:All the "I have" and the "I'll never"

Where is the "I haven't yet, but hopefully I can attend a Bullseye National event one day."

and "I don't care where it's at, but I'll be darned if Cardinal does not look nice."  Smile
4th line down Smile

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Post by willnewton Sat 05 Nov 2016, 17:00

I musta missed it, thanks!

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Post by Deerspy Sat 12 Nov 2016, 17:49

I want to go and know I would like it , saving up money maybe next year.


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Post by 172snowhawk Sun 13 Nov 2016, 21:18

Planning on returning to Camp Perry for the fifth time.


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