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Square Deal B purchase

BE Mike
Jack H
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Square Deal B purchase Empty Square Deal B purchase

Post by Tristar 2/10/2012, 8:43 pm

I plan to just load 45acp ammo. I have no plans what-so-ever to load rifle rounds. Is there an extremely compelling reason to purchase a Dillon RL550B instead?

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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by Jack H 2/10/2012, 8:58 pm

Yes. So you can use the take apart and clean Dillon seater and crimper dies. Not a big deal if you shoot jackets only. But gooey lubed lead will dirty up the dies a lot. I do use a SDB for hardball. 550 for all others. If I had it to do over I would get the 650 with the 5th die station for a powder check just in case. I have had 1 (one) only no powder round get through in about 10 years with the 550. That was in my initial session with the 550. I was on a learning curve no doubt. I have been loading for about 50 years using single stage equipment until I got the 550.
Jack H
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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by SMBeyer 2/10/2012, 9:51 pm


For sixty bucks more I would purchase the 550. In about a year you have gone from shooting free and air to then gettin your SP and now a 45. So whats next? Emil talks you into a 32acp or 9mm and if that happens to change calibers all you gotta do is pull two pins out of the head and change the shell plate and you are converted. No removing or readjusting dies. I think you might kick yourself later on down the road for not getting it now. I have a 550 (not a B) that I got for Christmas when I was 16 (I turn 40 tomorrow) and it is a very nice machine. I am thinking about buying the new seating dies that you can remove the innards to clean without changing any of your settings.


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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by BE Mike 2/11/2012, 8:29 am

I think the auto index feature of the Square Deal is a definite advantage over the 550B. Buying a progressive press is like buying a safe. If you get a SD and stick with competitive shooting, you will probably "need" something bigger down the road. If money isn't really tight, I'd opt for the Dillon 650.
BE Mike
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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by DavidR 2/11/2012, 9:55 am

the SD uses dies that only fit it and can only be bought from dillon. The 550 is a way better machine. IMO

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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by Tristar 2/11/2012, 3:01 pm

My sincere thanks for the replies! I recognize and truly appreciate the 20-60 years of reloading experience that you all have. I have only a couple of years of shooting AP and 22 and will now start the reloading fun. It's funny I spent 35 years in a profession where I had to make decisions almost every minute while on the job. I know how worthwhile experience is when making a decision. I felt funny asking for other people to help me with this decision but I was looking only at the economics of it. I knew I did not have the experience with the equipment and figured I should ask for help. I was real close to making a purchase last night. I will not be purchasing the SqDealB now.

I shot an Air Pistol match this morning with some BE friends and had several more reloading questions answered.

Scott--you and my wife are quite a bit alike--always right. Hope you have a great birthday! At my age I am very thankful each morning that I wake up. I wish I had taken up all this shooting adventures 60 years ago.

Please come see us in the woods if you are ever in the area!

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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by SMBeyer 2/11/2012, 10:08 pm


I asked my wife and she does not agree with you about me always being right Smile

You made decisions at your job because had the knowledge and experience to make those decisions without thinking twice. If you are just starting out with reloading you haven't had a chance to try different things and a smart person will ask questions. This is the beauty of this sport and this forum, if you are not sure ask and someone will at least give an opinion.

I doubt that if you did get the square deal you would be dissapointed with it but I think you will like the 550 much better than the square deal. As far as the 650 goes would it be nice? Sure but if your gonna go 650 heck why not the 1050? The 550 is a good machine and you can keep several people in ammo with it without spending that much time standing in front of it.

I had a great birthday! Went to the woodworkers show, then to the range for a little practice and now I am home sitting in front of the fire.

By the way, did you stay with the Pardini theme and get a GT45? Would like to hear your coments about it if you did.


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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by Founder 2/11/2012, 11:59 pm

I have been reloading for only about 4 years but have loaded 30k plus rounds on my Square Deal in 9mm, 38, 357, 40 and 45acp. Other than not wanting to drop Clays consistently I love it.

I did have some issues with not seating primers fully but that was resolved with a hnadle replacement.


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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by dan allen 2/12/2012, 4:51 am

I know you have decided against the SDB but here is my two cents anyway. If you are sure about loading only pistol I would not hesitate to get one. I have one I bought used 17 years ago and Dillon still stands behind it and replaces for free anything that fails. I am pretty sure I would not want a progressive loader that did not auto index. I had one issue with the powder measure which wasn't the SDB's fault and I hate the change over between small and large primers. If I wasn't so cheap or frugal as I prefer to call it I would simply have two and never change. I probably could scare up some small primer .45's for a lot less than another press.

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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by Tristar 2/12/2012, 8:04 pm

I pulled the trigger and ordered a RL550B.

Scott--I purchased a Les Baer Hardball 45 from Champion's Choice. They had several which were purchased before the increase in Les Baer's prices. I plan on using it for wadcutters. I will leave the trigger as is. I will be shooting it with iron sights. I plan to load a few different weight loads. A couple of friends will help me with ransom testing my different loads to figure out what I will end up using. I already have three lighter weight recoil springs.

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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by SMBeyer 2/12/2012, 9:59 pm


I think you made two good choices there. You will love the 550 and Dillon's customer service is superb. I also don't think you can go wrong with the Baer. I purchased my wad gun from Champions Choice and although some people look down on them because they aren't a "true" custom gun mine shoots great and am very pleased with it. Enjoy your new toys Jack!

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Square Deal B purchase Empty Re: Square Deal B purchase

Post by Al 2/13/2012, 9:54 am

I bought a 550 about 4-5 yrs ago, and honestly never considered the square deal. In retrospect, I should have gotten the square deal. I already had a RCBS 4x4 set up for a multitude of calibers. I decided on the 550 just because of the flexibility it offers. However after setting it up for 45, it has never been changed to anything else.

I think the auto index and shorter handle throw would have been a bit more convenient. Not that I'm not well pleased with the 550, far from it. Just musing a bit.



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