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boots question

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boots question Empty boots question

Post by joy2shoot Sun Sep 25, 2016 11:00 am

When I first got into Bullseye, I was bombarded with all kinds of do's and don'ts.  One of which was you cannot have any kind of joint support, which I assumed included the ankles.  So I searched for and bought an athletic shoe that had a flat sole to give maximum surface area between shoe and ground, but has zero ankle support.
I have since learned that while not specifically stated in the rule book and seemingly contrary (as least to me) to rule 5.2.c "any garment which can be interpreted as providing artificial support", ankle support is ok because "that is what the military guys and gals have to wear".
So before I go out and buy more stuff, for those of you who wear boots that cover your ankles while shooting, do you think it provides noticeable support?  Or is it no better than an athletic shoe?


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boots question Empty Re: boots question

Post by Wobbley Sun Sep 25, 2016 11:11 am

In reality, the "combat boots" of the 70s don't provide much ankle support. What footwear rules in I SU were designed to do was to prevent shooters showing up in ski boots. AHG and others used to sell "shooting boots" which were constructed like hi-top athletic shoes.

What you have is fine.

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boots question Empty Re: boots question

Post by AllAces Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:05 pm

I have shot NRA matches in my LL Bean hiking boots for years, mostly because they are comfortable for all day wear and for when the range is wet.  I've also worn my old jungle boots, and at Camp Perry, knee high rubber boots when the mud was half way to my knees. I agree with Wobbley that the rule is for very rigid over the ankle boots like ski boots or the specialized shooting boots that don't allow for much ankle flex.

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boots question Empty Re: boots question

Post by BE Mike Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:36 pm

Shoot away with boots or high top shoes at "bullseye" matches, but don't show up in cowboy boots, etc. for an international pistol match.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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boots question Empty Re: boots question

Post by Wobbley Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:43 pm

BE Mike wrote:Shoot away with boots or high top shoes at "bullseye" matches, but don't show up in cowboy boots, etc. for an international pistol match.

Unless you have friends in low places....

Posts : 4870
Join date : 2015-02-13

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