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9mm or 45acp

Pat Capobianco
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9mm or 45acp Empty 9mm or 45acp

Post by Pat Capobianco Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:13 am

I need everyones help here in deciding on my next purchase. I noticed on this forum a lot of users of the .45acp caliper for bullseye shooting rather than 9mm, is it because it's inherently more accurate than a 9mm? I'm looking for a 1911 that's not necessarily a bullseye gun but something very accurate for range use, good looking and something that I would be proud to carry. I currently own a DW ECO in 9mm and S&W 1911sc in 45acp, I was thinking about selling one or both and getting one real nice gun (not that they are not nice), but not sure what caliper. Your thoughts and comments will greatly be appreciated.
Pat Capobianco
Pat Capobianco

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9mm or 45acp Empty Re: 9mm or 45acp

Post by Recurvist22 Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:35 am

One of the reasons the .45 is used is that a .45 is required in a full 2700 match, so many just use their .45 for the center fire and the 45 match so they don't have to invest in 2 separate match grade center fire pistols. As far as inherent accuracy goes, I'll let someone else fully answer that question. I know that the 9mm can be an extremely accurate cartridge. I "think" the main reason for 45 over 9mm is that a 1911 was required for the I'll match and until recent years it was mainly offered in .45 so that is the predominant caliber. Some one else may fee free to correct me if I'm wrong on any account, that's just my .02

Last edited by Recurvist22 on Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total


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9mm or 45acp Empty Re: 9mm or 45acp

Post by Tim:H11 Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:38 am

If you're going to carry it then make sure you can fire the hotter carry Ammo type 45 (if you go with a 45) and control it enough to connect with your target. A hit with a smaller caliber beats a miss with a larger one every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

I like carrying a 9mm because it doesn't recoil so far off target with defense Ammo like some hotter 45 stuff might. Plus I can carry more rounds if that's an interest. I carry a CZ 2075 Rami in 9mm. Very accurate but not a bullseye gun. 

For bullseye I seem to notice 9mm not doing so well unless you jacketed projectiles. Lead is not 9mm's friend. So that may weigh on your choice some. 

It's really a toss up. They both (in terms of calibers) offer good and bad. Six in one, half a dozen in the other. 

If it were a multi use gun, for target shooting (not necessarily bullseye) and carry and looked nice... I'd go with either a CZ in 9mm or a performance model 1911 in 45. Springfeild Armory custom shop, les bear (maybe) or a high quality build by a master gunsmith. Maybe have some engraving on it my Mike Yazel. Really it's personal preference. A colt government model screams pretty and classic but I'd have it tuned for better accuracy and reliability.

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9mm or 45acp Empty Re: 9mm or 45acp

Post by Warhorse Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:25 pm

I am pretty new at this bullseye game.

I thought one of the advantages of shooting a .45ACP over 9mm, or even .32ACP, was the fact that the bigger projectile has a better chance of cutting the next higher scoring ring.


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9mm or 45acp Empty Re: 9mm or 45acp

Post by james r chapman Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:20 pm

That to.
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9mm or 45acp Empty Re: 9mm or 45acp

Post by JayhawkNavy02 Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:04 am


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9mm or 45acp Empty Re: 9mm or 45acp

Post by DavidR Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:32 am

The biggest reason to choose a 45 over a 9mm is if you want to compete in real 2700 busllseye matches, a 45 is required other reasons not to use a 9mm even for center fire is the 9mm is less accurate than a 45 unless you spend twice as much on it and use factory match ammo in most cases, it also has more recoil than a target 45 load to get good accuracy.

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