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What .45 other than 1911 have you seen shot?

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What .45 other than 1911 have you seen shot? Empty What .45 other than 1911 have you seen shot?

Post by BryanGA 2/14/2012, 9:50 pm

Other than the 1911 are there pistols that anyone has been competitive with ?

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What .45 other than 1911 have you seen shot? Empty Re: What .45 other than 1911 have you seen shot?

Post by Paper-Puncher 2/14/2012, 9:54 pm

Only one I can think of is the S&W model 25 I beleive .45 acp wheel gun..I pretty much think the 1911 has got the .45 locked up tight


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What .45 other than 1911 have you seen shot? Empty Re: What .45 other than 1911 have you seen shot?

Post by DavidR 2/15/2012, 11:53 am

If you want to be competitive, there is nothing better than a 1911, if there were you would see it at the nationals in the hands of the winner. Nothing from day one till today as far as i no has ever won the nationals but a 1911.

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What .45 other than 1911 have you seen shot? Empty Re: What .45 other than 1911 have you seen shot?

Post by rob5r 3/11/2012, 7:45 am

I have also seen a few Pardini GT-45's out there. But again, the 1911 is at the top of the list.

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