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1911 HAMMER BITE!!!!

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1911 HAMMER BITE!!!! Empty 1911 HAMMER BITE!!!!

Post by Ghillieman 2/14/2012, 11:42 pm

I have been shooting a 1911 hardball gun and everytime I shoot that hammer comes back and removes a sliver of my hand. Any good tips or pistol modifications out there? I have to keep it CMP legal for pistol EIC matches, thanks in advance!

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1911 HAMMER BITE!!!! Empty Re: 1911 HAMMER BITE!!!!

Post by SMBeyer 2/15/2012, 9:09 am

I have the same problem. I just got a Range Officer and had parts changed so that it would be EIC legal. Before he started on it the gunsmith asked if I wanted a wide spur like the original 1911 or the norrower one on a A1 and dumb me decided I would go old school and put the wide spur on. I'ts like having a minature great white shark biting you every time the gun fires! After the first range session I had to scrape meat and blood off the hammer and grip safety of not only that gun but the others I shot that day. One thing that did help was to change the way I put the gun in my hand. I was placing the gun in my hand and pushing it straight back with the other hand then wraping my fingers around the grip and this leaves a bulge of skin above the grip safety for Jaws to bite on. Now I place the web between thumb and trigger finger into grip safety with the heel of the hand well off the grip and then roll the hand down into the heel of the palm and then wraping the fingers around the rest of the grip. This keeps from having that bulge of skin above the grip safety. I only got to shoot it 10 rounds the other day after our .22 league but I didn't bleed at all. Also the more you shoot it the tougher the skin will get and you will build up a calus. Scott

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1911 HAMMER BITE!!!! Empty Re: 1911 HAMMER BITE!!!!

Post by DavidR 2/15/2012, 11:39 am

Its a easy fix if your handy with a file, you need to first cock the hammer and then push it as far rearward as possible and you will see where it contacts the grip safety. This is where your skin is getting pinched. If you file the underside of the hammer until you have a small space where it doesn't contact the grip safety anymore then your hammer bite will be gone. I have done this many times and never had a ball gun not pass amours inspection for shooting CMP matches.

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1911 HAMMER BITE!!!! Empty Re: 1911 HAMMER BITE!!!!

Post by Grunt 2/16/2012, 4:28 pm

SMBeyer wrote:I'ts like having a minature great white shark biting you every time the gun fires!

My god, that was funny.



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1911 HAMMER BITE!!!! Empty Re: 1911 HAMMER BITE!!!!

Post by Bob Fleming 4/20/2012, 12:18 pm

Put one of those little round dot band-aids on the spot where the hammer bites. Preferably this is done before shooting. After a while the scars thicken the skin enough that you won't need it any more.

Bob Fleming

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