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P100 recipient list

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P100 recipient list Empty P100 recipient list

Post by Aggarandise 10/27/2016, 4:41 pm

I know I can get P100 lists from the recent past on the CMP competition tracker, but is there any place to get a list of folks that made the 100 from the 70s?

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Join date : 2016-05-17
Location : Salt Springs, Fl

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P100 recipient list Empty Re: P100 recipient list

Post by DeweyHales 11/15/2016, 2:38 pm

YouThe P100 is a more recent creation I thought.

Thanks for the correction.

Last edited by DeweyHales on 11/21/2016, 8:28 am; edited 1 time in total

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P100 recipient list Empty Re: P100 recipient list

Post by Schaumannk 11/18/2016, 1:10 pm

DeweyHales wrote:The P100 is a more recent creation I thought. In rifle, it was given to match or service rifle shooters.
I think the P100 has been in existence since at least the 1930's.  It used to be top 50 pistol, top fifty rifle in the match at Perry.  

My godfather was a many time P100 member in service rifle, and he shot at Perry before WWII.


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Location : Cheyenne, WY

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P100 recipient list Empty Re: P100 recipient list

Post by Aggarandise 11/18/2016, 6:45 pm

According to the history on the CMP website:


The President's Rifle Match started in 1884.  Rifle President's Hundred started in 1919.  Pistol President's Match and Hundred started in 1966.  My coach made Pistol President's Hundred in the 70's and he said they had made it 50 rifle and 50 pistol for a year or two because many shooters were deployed to Vietnam.

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Join date : 2016-05-17
Location : Salt Springs, Fl

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P100 recipient list Empty Re: P100 recipient list

Post by Schaumannk 11/18/2016, 7:03 pm

Aggarandise wrote:According to the history on the CMP website:


The President's Rifle Match started in 1884.  Rifle President's Hundred started in 1919.  Pistol President's Match and Hundred started in 1966.  My coach made Pistol President's Hundred in the 70's and he said they had made it 50 rifle and 50 pistol for a year or two because many shooters were deployed to Vietnam.
Canton Mckinnley has the American Rifleman going back a long way.   Might be able to confirm this by looking up the published results.  Im not sure that the fifty fifty thing was a Vietnam deployment thing.   I think it was the way it was set up when it started.  At least according to my father who was a 1933-1954 High Power and Service rifle competitor.


Posts : 618
Join date : 2011-06-11
Location : Cheyenne, WY

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