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New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative?

Chris Miceli
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New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative? - Page 4 Empty New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative?

Post by bmac Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:49 pm

First topic message reminder :

Has anyone used the MantisX? http://mantisx.com/ It looks promising and is at a pretty good price point.


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New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative?

Post by Magload Sun May 14, 2017 3:45 pm

Received my Wilson Combat mag floor plate rail Friday.  This thing is great and i am just going to leave it on this one mag.  I normally leave the mag out of the gun when dry firing so I don't have to use the mag release every shot but I been thumb cocking the pistol with the mag in.  I know there is something about the disconnect making the trigger pull different or something like that but I can't tell any difference.  I now can use this mag to dry fire my LB 45 and my Nelson 22,  Good product.  Don

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New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative?

Post by willnewton Sun May 21, 2017 4:41 pm

This is what you need to do to make the magazine work without locking back.

 You file a notch that bypasses the slide stop into the mag. follower.   Your magazine will be unharmed, but will not lock the slide back when empty.  Just use/buy a spare magazine if that bothers you.  You may need an 8-rd magazine minimum.

Make sure to test fit the MantisX first on the mag. base AND that once installed the mag. will insert properly into your 1911 before you get to grinding away. It is pretty simple work with a Dremel or file.  You can see where you need to cut by looking in from the top of the pistol to see what you need to remove so you can clear the slide stop locking lug.

Lastly, wrap the magazine with electrical tape about an inch up from the base.  Since the magazine is not held in place by pressure from the slide stop, it will rattle some and may give false readings.  This will take care of it.  I used 1.5 turns of tape.

Also, you are not limited to Wilson Combat mags.  My 8-rd Checkpoint and Chip McCormick PowerMag+ and Springfield Trophy Match mags also work.  If it has a slide out base, you are probably good to go.

New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative? - Page 4 Notch_zps31yrao0d

New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative? - Page 4 Wrap_zpsglo7m0rm

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New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative?

Post by Magload Sun May 21, 2017 4:52 pm

willnewton wrote:This is what you need to do to make the magazine work without locking back.

 You file a notch that bypasses the slide stop into the mag. follower.   Your magazine will be unharmed, but will not lock the slide back when empty.  Just use/buy a spare magazine if that bothers you.  Make sure to test fit the MantisX first on the base and check that it fits your magazine AND will insert properly into your 1911.  You may need an 8-rd magazine minimum.

It is pretty simple work with a Dremel or file.  You can see where you need to cut by looking in from the top of the pistol to clear the slide stop locking lug.

Lastly, wrap the magazine with electrical tape about an inch up from the base.  Since the magazine is not held in place by pressure from the slide stop, it will rattle some and may give false readings.  This will take care of it.  I used 1.5 turns of tape.

Also, you are not limited to Wilson Combat mags.  My 8-rd Checkpoint and Chip McCormick PowerMag+ and Springfield Trophy Match mags also work.  If it has a slide out base, you are probably good to go.

New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative? - Page 4 Notch_zps31yrao0d

Thanks I have a mag that is just going to be used for this so it's time to break out the Dremel.  I a matter of fact I have a mag that was blown up when I had the out of battery and blew the mag apart.  There is no follower so it should work.  Don

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New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative?

Post by willnewton Sun May 21, 2017 4:54 pm

Be careful without a follower in there to help keep pressure on the base so the Mantis won't slide out. Been there, done that!


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New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative? - Page 4 Empty Re: New Dry Fire System / SCATT alternative?

Post by Magload Sun May 21, 2017 5:14 pm

willnewton wrote:Be careful without a follower in there to help keep pressure on the base so the Mantis won't slide out. Been there, done that!


You are right I just tried it and you need the spring pressure to hold it in place and I am also missing the plate under the spring with the locking bump on it.  But with a Red Neck degree in engineering I broke out the super glue as I couldn't figure out how to do irt with Duct Tape.  Darn and I had some nice camo tape.  I did see how the mag was going to stay put and in my LB the mag release holds in in just fine.  waiting on the super glue to take a good set before re installing the MantisX.  Don

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