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New / latest High Standard HS22

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New / latest High Standard HS22 Empty New / latest High Standard HS22

Post by Mike38 11/21/2016, 5:47 pm

Has anyone bought a very recent High Standard HS22? They look just like The Victor, but now call it a HS22. How's the quality and accuracy? Same frame / grips / grip angle as the older ones? Would you put it up against something like a S&W 41? For $1100 it better be pretty darn good, that's for sure. They are built on an "as ordered" basis. You pay for it, then they build it. Takes 8 to 12 weeks to finish.

Reason I ask, I bought a used High Standard Citation a few weeks ago, and really like it, and shoot well with it so far. This HS22 should be a couple steps up, I would hope.


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New / latest High Standard HS22 Empty Re: New / latest High Standard HS22

Post by LenV 11/21/2016, 8:39 pm

Why wait? There are a lot of great Victors out there for sale. Asking if they are as good as the older models lets me know that you have probably heard some not so great reviews. There is always some risk buying used as well as new but if I was going to spend the money I would be looking at an oldie but goodie. Gunbroker has quite a few for sale. This is one. There are more. NFI


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