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1911 spring tuning

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1911 spring tuning Empty 1911 spring tuning

Post by Sc0 11/25/2016, 7:21 pm

Question for those wih more 1911 experience than me and the relationship between the main and recoil springs.  Below is some history of my pistol tuning, i am just wondering if anyone have encountered a setup with my spring combination or is it a bandaid for something that i havent figured out yet?

SA Range Officer, 185gr Federal Gold Medal Match .45ACP
-Dropped to a 12lb Wolf recoil spring to cycle the ammo, pistol functioned fine
-Changed out the ILS to a std housing and 23lb main spring, pistol functioned fine

-changed to 19lb main spring, slide batters the recoil spring guide
-changed to a less rounded firing pin stop, no changes
-changed to a 16.5lb recoil spring, no changes
-changed to a 20lb recoil spring, pistol functioned and felt smooth but had a few rounds fail to chamber
-changed to a 22lb spring, pistol functioned perfectly
-changed to a 24lb recoil spring, pistol failed slide lock so went back to the 22lb spring.


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Join date : 2013-12-29
Location : Houston, TX

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1911 spring tuning Empty Re: 1911 spring tuning

Post by Jon Eulette 11/25/2016, 7:32 pm

Barrel is locking up poorly and its coming out of battery too fast. I use 10# recoil spring in pistols I build. Since your pistol cycles 22# spring with match wadcutter it's definately loose somewhere Sad
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Join date : 2013-04-15
Location : Southern Kalifornia

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